Describe physical, intellectual, emotional and social development for each of the life stages of an individual.

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Omi Chowdhury

Unit 4- development through the life stages

P1 describe physical, intellectual, emotional and social development for each of the life stages of an individual.

There are 8 different life stages of a human being, ranging from conception to the final stages of life. There are four ‘well-being’s’. These are: Physical well-being, intellectual well-being, emotional well-being and social well-being.

In addition to this I will also be explaining how language development takes place as a part of the intellectual well-being of each life stage.

I will also include Erik Erikson's emotional development.


Human life begins at conception. This happens through sexual intercourse, when millions of sperm are ejaculated into the vagina. However only one sperm can fertilise the egg. “Only a few thousand get to where the egg (Ovum) is, which is usually at the outer end of one of the tubes. Only one of these will actually fertilize the egg. The sperm and egg fuse to form one cell, which is called a zygote. This cell will undergo incredible changes in the ensuing days, resulting in a mature baby about an estimated forty weeks later.”

Physical Well-being.

In order to have a baby you will need to have sexual intercourse with someone. Preferably with someone that you have a sexual relationship with and have mutual feeling for each other. If an unexpected pregnancy has occurred, during the first few weeks the mother will not feel any 'inner' physical effect in the womb.

It is extremely common for the women to not know she is pregnant (if it was an unexpected pregnancy). This is due to the fact that in the first few weeks of pregnancy, you cant actually feel anything

Intellectual Well-being.

As it is just the beginning of a new life, the women carrying the baby will obviously not feel anything as she may not just yet know that she is pregnant, 'around about three weeks in to the fertilization, the mother may go through a bit of bleeding, which is usually mistaken for menstrual period.

Emotional Well-being.

While being pregnant, hormones will be on the high- they cause the lining of the womb to thicken and increase the volume of blood circulation, particularly in places such as the womb and the breasts. Another function that the hormones do is relax the muscles of womb to make more room for the baby.

Social Well-being.

For someone to have sexual intercourse, or known in the common term as 'making love', and in order to become pregnant, it will obviously take a mutual feeling of love and affection towards each other to get to the stage of being sexually active.

Pregnancy (0-9 months).

Pregnancy begins when the sperm penetrates an egg.

During the first 8 weeks, the embryo may or can grow up to between 3 and 4cm and has a recognizable heartbeat. For the remaining 7 months before birth all the organs continue to develop.

Delayed development

Delayed development is when a baby or child has not developed within the expected time period. For example, not being able to develop speech within the expected time.

Delayed development can cause be caused by issues such as:

  • Brain damage
  • Poor social interaction with carers
  • Disease
  • Visual disability
  • Hearing disability
  • Poor nutrition

Physical well-being.

Physically, the mother will be growing everyday she might get tired a lot more quicker, being pregnant may also restrict her from doing what she normally does on an everyday basis like wearing clothes that she likes or even really high heeled shoes. Another factor that she may come across is stretch marks on her stomach.

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As for the baby's physical development, over the course of 9 months.

By the first month the baby's heartbeat can be monitored, kidney lungs are also in place for further development. By month three the baby will be less susceptible to infections. Lastly, throughout the last four months the baby's organs mature and gain weight.


Here is a picture of the baby's growth month by month.


Intellectual Well-being.

The mother of the child may be getting ready to have a baby. She might be thinking about how ...

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