External influences of Cigarette smoking and diseases caused by Cigarette smoking

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Toseef Sethi

External influences of Cigarette smoking and diseases caused by Cigarette smoking

Cigarette smoking has many different effects on the society in which we live. Some of these effects are more direct, such as diseases that arise from smoking cigarettes. Others are more indirect external effects, such as social and ethical implications on a society.

There are over 4000 chemicals in cigarette smoke, including 40 known carcinogens. Past studies have led us to conclude that smoking has a direct correlation with lung cancer. The main compounds in cigarette smoke that are responsible for lung cancer are Tars. Other very commonly linked diseases of smoking are heart disease, emphysema, gangrene (leading to amputation), reduced fertility in men and women and many other diseases. Cigarette and tobacco smoke, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes are the four major independent risk factors for coronary heart disease that you can modify or control. Cigarette smoking becomes a much greater risk factor when combined with any of the above major risk factors for CHD. Smoking increases blood pressure, decreases exercise tolerance and increases the tendency for blood to clot.

The main reason that cigarette smoking greatly increases the risk of coronary heart disease is that it decreases the amount of HDL (High-density lipoproteins), which is the good form of Cholesterol as opposed to the bad form that is LDL (Low-density lipoproteins). Another factor, which leads to CHD, is related to Carbon Monoxide levels. Carbon Monoxide from tobacco smoke reduces the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen, which seems to increase the risk of damage to endothelial cells in arteries. Other than this, tobacco smoke contains Nicotine. Nicotine is addictive and effects the brains of smokers. Studies carried out, show that nicotine is taken into the brain very rapidly, where it acts as a type of poisonous inhibitor. It also mimics another neurotransmitter, which is called Dopamine. This inhibition causes long-lasting changes to cell connections and may explain why it is so addictive. Nicotine is addictive, but not carcinogenic, and therefore allows people to use nicotine patches, which give the brain nicotine, without giving the tar to the lungs causing lung cancer. However, nicotine is believed to have some long-term effects aswell. It affects the acetylcholine receptors in the parasympathetic nervous system that are involved with the constriction of blood vessels. This means that over time, circulatory problems and heart disease can result, and it is best to avoid these effects altogether.

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Emphysema is a lung disease in which the ability of the lungs to expel air is reduced due to damage to the bronchioles. Cigarette smoke causes alveoli to produce defensive cells, called macrophages, which "eat" the inhaled particles. But macrophages release elastin and collagen when they are stimulated. These reduce the lungs’ ability to expand and contract. Ultimately, air is left in the lungs and trapped "old" air takes up space, so the alveoli are unable to fill with enough fresh air to supply the body with needed oxygen. Other than this, Cilia (hairs that sweep foreign bodies) become damaged.

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