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Control of heart rate

Describe the difference between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system.

The difference between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves lies in the fact that they are often in opposition to one another. Stimulation by the parasympathetic system decreases the contractions of the heart, while the sympathetic does the opposite. If both systems are required for an organs function, the two systems, parasympathetic and sympathetic, act simultaneously, although one may operate faster than the other. This action of the two nervous systems has been compared to both the accelerator and brake pedals of a car, being pushed down at the same time. These two systems are highly intricate, and require a finely tuned nervous system that medical science is still learning about.

The sympathetic leading stimulation, the fight or flight reaction and the parasympathetic involving relaxation, recovery and digestion. The sympathetic nervous system is activated by any stimulus over an individual’s threshold (and the threshold can vary enormously), including feelings, and by noise, light, drugs and chemicals (e.g. caffeine).In response to the stimulus an immediate anticipatory state is generated by the release of adrenaline. This causes the heart to beat more quickly and strongly, increases blood supply to the muscles, raises blood pressure, dilates the bronchi and increases the breathing rate, raises the blood sugar level for increased energy, speeds up mental activity, increases tension in the muscles, dilates pupils and increases sweating. Non-emergency functions, such as digestion are lessened or suspended. (priming phase – short-term) Walter Cannon coined the phrase ‘fight or flight’ to describe the function of the rapid mobilization of resources.

The parasympathetic nervous system comes into operation after the stimulus has been responded to an action taken. It has the opposite effect to sympathetic activity, allowing the body to wind down and re-balance. The parasympathetic nervous system encourages relaxation of muscles, slowing the heart rate and lowering the blood pressure. It ensures that the breathing to return to its normal rate, digestive juices flow, bladder and bowels are ready to function, the pupils constrict and immune functions, such as the production of white blood cells are re-commenced. The parasympathetic approach is to supports rest and sleep. The normal physiological model of the ANS is of give-and-take tension with the two parts keeping each method in check, when the sympathetic goes up, the parasympathetic goes down. A good example of optimal autonomic balance can be seen in cats that respond alertly to certain sounds or movements, but, as soon as the situation is assessed as safe, return immediately to a relaxed state.

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Explain how the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the control of many functions?

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) is a regulatory branch of the central nervous system that helps people adapt to changes in their environment. It adjusts or modifies some functions in response to stress. The ANS helps regulate blood vessels' size and blood pressure, the heart's electrical activity and ability to contract (regulation of heart beats), the bronchial diameter (and thus air flow) in the lungs and the rate of respiration, the lacrimal glands (tear glands), the ANS also regulates the movement and work of the stomach, ...

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