AS Economics

Chapter 11 – Discuss the relevance of these concepts to the subject of health care.

Market Failure

Merit goods are the physical commodities which either directly or indirectly provides for the satisfaction of human wants. Consumer goods (or final-demand goods) are those used for consumption purposes. They can be classified into non-durable goods (such as food) and durable goods (such as refrigerators). Producer goods are those used to produce other goods and services. These comprise intermediate goods (raw materials and semi-finished items) and fixed capital goods (buildings and equipment). Services are normally distinguished from goods by their intangible nature. They are normally consumed at the instant of their production, as in the case of a haircut. 'Bads' also exist; they have a negative value and an adverse effect on human satisfaction (for example, pollution). Public goods are those which, when consumed by one individual, are not depleted (for example, street lighting and national defence).

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Externalities are an activity or part of an activity which is not given a market price, but which nevertheless has either a negative or a positive effect on the welfare of others. Negative externalities may be generated by, or have an impact upon, consumers (somebody playing loud music which annoys a neighbour), or producers (a factory polluting a river which causes problems for a fish farm downstream), or a combination of both (aircraft noise keeping local residents awake). An example of a positive externality is when one firm sets up a training programme which increases the supply of qualified ...

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