
Question One

Ever since the Jews were driven from their homeland (now known as Israel) they have faced discrimination and prejudice, mainly due to their beliefs and culture. They spread throughout the world and in some countries they were welcomed and enjoyed periods of peace with their neighbors, however in Europe the population was mainly Christian and the Jews found themselves being branded as outsiders. The reason Jewish and Christian populations couldn’t get along was due to different religious beliefs and for many years the Church taught of how it believed the Jews had killed Jesus, however in modern times this view has been discredited by many historians.

In Russia there was a long history of anti-semitism in Eastern Europe which where highlighted by the Chmielnicki massacres throughout an eight year period, 1648-1656. More than 100,000 Jews were murdered during the massacres and many more were tortured and wounded.

By the late Nineteenth century around four million Jews were living in Russia. Many of them were in ‘The Pale of Settlement’, a specially designated area to which the Jews had been restricted.

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In the Jewish communities the Jews suffered from persecution and violence, such as looting of belongings and smashing the windows of Jewish owned shops. These ‘pogroms’, from a Russian word meaning a violent mass attack on a section of the community, were often condoned and encouraged by the Russian government who were more than happy to see someone else get the blame for their economic failures. Waves of pogroms broke out in 1881 and 1882, and once again between 1902 and 1905. This period in history was a testing time for the Jews within Russia. At first self-defense groups were ...

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