Uranium is mined from the earth and is formed into small pellets, and then placed in long rods. Bunches of these rods are kept in a severely restricted environment called a reactor, where the nuclear reaction opens up. The reaction starts when nuclei of the uranium atoms are attacked with neutrons and this causes the nuclei to separate. This process is called fission. When the nuclei separate, some of the energy turns into heat, and the rest results in radiation. The heat is then put to work, turning water into steam, which drives a turbine, which spins a generator and produces electricity.
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The Earth has limited supplies of certain resources such as, coal and oil. However, nuclear power plants could still produce electricity after coal and oil become insufficient. Also, these nuclear power plants require less fuel than ones that burn fossil fuels. One ton of uranium generates more energy than what is produced by quite a few million tons of coal or several million barrels of oil. Coal and oil burning plants pollute the air around us; conversely, well-operated nuclear power plants do not discharge pollutants into the environment, making it enhanced and safer.

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