Show how Bismarck negotiated the Triple Alliance in 1882. What were the purpose of this Alliance ?

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Show how Bismarck negotiated the Triple Alliance in 1882.  What were the purpose of this Alliance ?

        The Triple Alliance was signed between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy on 20th March, 1882.  Germany was placed thereby at the pivoted point of diplomatic relations in Europe.  All other agreement, ententes and alliances would be dependent on this particular combination. It was founded in two separate stages - with the signing of the Dual Alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary on October, 1879, and the entry of Italy as the third party in 1882. But its history began with the proclamation of the German Empire on January 18, 1871, in Versailles after the Franco-Prussian War. To consolidate his creation of a unified Germany, in particular internally, Bismarck required peace in Europe. This was not only peace for Germany herself, but peace throughout Europe which directly or indirectly would effect her. Therefore, Germany must herself play a leading diplomatic role, in fact, permanently exercise a controlling grip on the European diplomatic situation. To do this Germany had to put herself in the position where she was at once feared and respected, and she must have allies.

        There were two obvious possibilities. Germany under the Kaisers was an autocratic power - she had therefore the most in common with Austria-Hungary and Russia, who stood far more for the autocratic system than Germany herself. There were strong links with both.  Austria-Hungary was partially a Germanic empire with Germanic dynasty. she had, however, been ejected from Germany after the Prusso-Austrian War of 1866. she was, therefore, in her resentment a possible aggressor against the Prussian-dominated Germany. On the other hand Russia and Germany were linked by family connections of the Kaiser and the Tsar. In addition Russia had, since Bismarck's accession to power in 1862, been courted by him, first, in order to deter Russia from interfering in the course of events leading to Germany unity, second, after the unification to allow the new Germany to have necessary peace. Of the two, Russia appeared militarily the stronger. The Hapsburg Empire was showing obvious signs of disintegration.

        The decision to join Austria in an alliance appeared to have been taken in 1878. After the Balkan troubles of 1875-6 Russia had advanced to Constantinople and imposed upon the Turks the Treaty of San Stefano. It threatened Europe with a general upheaval. Britain feared Russia's occupation of the Straits controlling access from and to the Black Sea. This was a threat to the Treaty of Paris of 1856. Austria resented the creation of a giant Bulgaria in the Balkans dominated by Russia, who would, in turn, have easy access to the Danube. The questions were to be settled at the Congress of Berlin, over which Bismarck presided. Germany was to perform the humble task of "the honest broker" facilitating business between clients at cross-purposes, all of whom were the broker's friends. Bismarck carefully supported Austrian interest in the first serious attempt to woo her into the alliance. The big Bulgaria was broken up and the major threat of Russian domination of the Balkans was temporarily shelved. At the same time it was not only in the interests of Austria that this was done - Germany herself was anxious to keep Russia out of the Balkans in order to extend her own influences over Turkey.

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        After 1878 there was a wave of Pan-Slavism throughout Russia.  Bismarck was accused of deliberately betraying Russian interests in order to favour Austria. This was, of course, true. It simply encouraged Bismarck to continue towards Austria. However, before the Dual Alliance could be signed he had to convince the Kaiser of its necessity. The Kaiser was initially against the breach with Russia in favour of Austria on the grounds of (a) the dynastic connection, (b) the support of Russia in every Prussian crisis, (c) the solidarity of system of order on a monarchical basis, as depicted by the "entente" ...

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