Study Sources F and G.How useful are these two sources as evidence for the contribution of women to the war effort in the years 1914-1918?

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Question 4

Study Sources F and G.

How useful are these two sources as evidence for the contribution of women to the war effort in the years 1914-1918?

Both sources F and G are useful as evidence for the contribution of women in the war effort, years 1914-1918.

Source F is propaganda in the form of a poster, produced by the government in 1916. The aim of source F is to encourage women to become munition workers, hence contributing to the war effort.

Source F is useful in several ways. Firstly, it shows that at the time of the source’s creation, there were not many women munition workers, therefore, there was a need for the creation of this source (and possibly other with the same aim) to encourage women to work in munitions. The source allows us to understand how working life was for women; a dead end. Secondly, it shows a man in the poster, which is significant because, it shows that women were equally capable of doing the jobs as men were (such as in munitions). Thirdly, the fact that the women is smiling shows that she is strong in her role as a munition worker. It also shows that (since the government made this) the government valued the role which women played during the war, if they didn’t, this would have never been created.

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However, Source F is also limited in several ways. Firstly, we have no figures as to how many workers actually enrolled as a result of this piece (and similar propaganda with similar aims). It is also limited because it has no indication as to whether women played roles in the war I other areas, besides munitions. In addition, the source is limited because it states neither the wages, nor the risks of the job of munition workers. Such risks include conditions that make the skin turn yellow. Also, the way the woman is posing is misleading because the jobs ...

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