The New Economic Policy - War communism.

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The New Economic Policy

War communism

War communism was the name given to the harsh economic measures the Bolsheviks adopted during the civil war. It had two main aims. The first aim was to put Communist theories into practice by redistributing (sharing out) wealth among the Russian people. The second aim was to help with the Civil War by keeping the towns and the Red Army supplied with food and weapons.

The consequences of the War Communism were:

  • All large factories were taken over by the government.
  • Production was planned and organized by the government.
  • Discipline for workers was strict and strikers could be shot.
  • Peasants had to hand over surplus food to the government. If they didn’t, they could be shot.
  • Food was rationed.
  • Free enterprise became illegal- all production and trade was controlled by the state.

Trotsky’s troops put down the uprising, but soon afterwards Lenin abandoned the emergency policies of War communism. Considering the chaos of the Civil War years, it may seem strange that this particular revolt had such startling effect on Lenin. It did so because the Kronstadt sailors had been among the strongest supporters of Lenin and the Bolshevism.

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The new economic policy

Many thousands of the Kronstadt sailors were killed. The mutiny was crushed. But Lenin recognized that changes were necessary. In march 1921, at the Party Congress, Lenin announced some startling new policies which he called the New Economic Policy (NEP). The NEP effectively brought back capitalism for some sections of Russian society. Peasants were allowed to sell surplus grain for profit and would pay tax on what they produces rather than giving some of it up to the government.

In the towns, small factories were handed back into private ownership and private trading of small ...

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