To what extent did the US successfully create model states in Japan and the Philippines in 1942-52?

Authors Avatar by jamietf03gmailcom (student)
To what extent did the US successfully create ‘model states’ in Japan and the Philippines in 1942-52? (10 marks) The US aimed to create ‘model states’ out of defeated Japan and the Philippines after World War 2. Their aim was to change the two into their image by creating a democracy and developing American values, such as freedom and individualism. The US had a great influence over Japan as it was a defeated nation, meaning they were able to introduce reforms and democracy. Whereas the Philippines was already an American colony and needed America more than it needed them, therefore making them easy to exploit. To a high extent, the US were successful in creating Japan into a model state because they transformed it into a democracy and introduced political reforms. For example, in 1946 they held the first democratic election and the new Prime Minister Yoshida Shigeru coexisted well with the Americans. He flattered MacArthur and his
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wife, which improved US and Japan’s relations as it showed willingness. Furthermore, in May 1947, the new American-style constitution came into place, which included the action of demoting the Japanese Emperor from his God-like status to a constitutional monarch. This was a big step forward away from the previous dictatorship that Japan had been ruled under. This led to Japan becoming more capitalist in their government, which was exactly what the Americans wanted to achieve, so that it could promote capitalism to the world. Also, the US used its organisation, SCAP, to try to introduce greater equality for women and ...

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