He believed in Marxism and tried to alter the formulae to bring about revolution. He believed that he was doing the correct thing for Russia and its people in his attempt to make peoples lives better by creating an equal world. He claim revolution on the workers behalf and tried to make their lives better. He did make many peoples lives better in the way that he created a system where everyone was more equal and helped workers and peasants gain land and money. He was very important as he politically changed a lot of things and made people more equal. He brought about the NEP, which strengthened the country. He also brought about the USSR, which was all the ethnic countries united together.
Stalin came to power after the death of Lenin. Communism was already formed but there was still need to keep communism strong throughout the country. Lenin had already formed Communism and made many political decisions and it was Stalin’s job to keep this going and make Russia a stronger country. Stalin was also a believer of Marxism as was Lenin. They had many similar views and it was Stalin which took many of Lenin’s views and his own to make Russia stronger. He put the 5-year plans into action, which made Russia stronger, this was very important as it was weak before and was suffering from famine.
Stalin also introduced new agriculture plans including collectivisation. He improved transport with new road links being set up plus the Moscow Underground built. Industry like coal, electricity, oil and iron were built in the first few years of his reign so that Russia could develop quickly. Stalin effected Russia people by using Propaganda and censorship methods. Health services were provided free, and also there was more doctors per head than in Britain. Education in Russia was improved with more schools being built.
Before the revolution Russia was very unstable suffering from famine and was a poor country with poor technology. However Lenin and Stalin together made Russia a far stronger country. They brought about change in a very short time to catch up with other developing countries in the west.
Lenin did more politically, such as converting Russia from and an autocratic state to a Communism one. Stalin did more for the country for instance introducing the 5-year plans. He also had greater economical effect introducing industrialisation and collectivisation. Lenin introduced Communism and introduced the first Communist government. He also had to deal with civil War and introduced the Cheka to help control things.
I believe that both were very important in Russia’s history. Lenin brought about the change but it was Stalin whom made the country stronger and put many of Lenin’s ideas in to practice. It was very important that Lenin came to power when he did as he was the only real strong candidate for the job who was a Bolshevik and it would have been very hard for any one to do as good a job as he did. Stalin was also very important as he put many ideas into practice as well as making the country stronger. Lenin didn’t actually make the country much stronger but put the base down for this and he would have put many of these ideas into practice if he didn’t become ill and have strokes. When Stalin came to power there were other strong candidates for the job such as Trotsky who can have done as good as job. Stalin was not necessarily stronger than Trotsky but he used trickery to become the head of state. The job Stalin did when he did come to power was very good and helped Russia progress very quickly. However there were equal talented characters that could have done the job. In Lenin’s case there were not as many strong candidates and certainly no one who could have done a good as job as Lenin did. It is also possible that if Lenin was not shot he would have done a better job than Stalin actually did even though he brought Russia along very quickly making them a industrial country instead of agricultural one. Due to this I believe that Lenin was a more important in Russia history as if there was no Lenin then there would be no Stalin. Stalin was more like the builder who built on Lenin’s success. Therefore it was Lenin who was the more important figure in Russia history.