World War One Sources Question

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History GCSE Coursework

Question 1

Study sources A, B and c. Use your knowledge of the First World War to explain which two posters were published before

916,and which one was published after 1916.You must give reasons for your answer.

The sources A and B were produced before 1916 and C was produced afterwards. Source C is an American poster and these wouldn´t have been needed before 1916, as America did not join the war until 1917.

Joining the army before 1917 when conscription had not yet been introduced was voluntary so posters like A and B which encourage men to join off their own backs by playing on emotions and make them think why they should join the army would have been needed.

Posters A and B are very similar, they both use the family in encouraging recruits and patriotism-making the men feel that the war is something they should be part of.

Whereas source C is portraying the enemy as a beast using propaganda to give the men enthusiasm to fight the Germans.

Question 2

Study sources A B and C. In what ways are these posters similar, and in what ways do they differ?

Posters A and B are very similar in using family values yo encourage young men to join the army .Source C is also similar to A and B in the sense that they all have something to do with patriotism of the war.

Although A and B are similar in the way that they are both concerned with family and patriotism as does source C. Source C uses a different tactic of trying to recruit men; it portrays the enemy as a mad raging beast who must be stopped. It is also an American poster whereas sources A and B are both British.

The posters A and B would not have been needed after conscription was introduced. America only joined the war in 1917 so poster C before this time would not have been used.

The differences between source s A and B against source C is that A and B both play on the emotion of guilt; guilt that if they played no part in the war when thousands of men did and also the emotion of pride -the loss of pride for the family because they did not fight for their country. Source C plays on the emotions of anger and hatred-it persuades the men to believe that the enemy is a brutal beast and must be stopped by them.

Question 3

Study source D. Use your knowledge of the First World War to explain whether or not you think source D proves that Sources A and B were successful in persuading men to join the army.

The photograph-Source D cannot prove to us that posters A and B were successful. Yes there is a line of men queuing for something but this does´nt mean we should assume that they are joining because Posters A and B have persuaded them. The Photograph may even have been staged to give the impression that lots of men were joining the army as a propaganda aid, so men would join.

We cannot prove a fact until we are 100% certain and in the case of source D proving that A and B were successful in persuading men we cannot be.

Even if the photograph was not staged there are many other reasons why it does not prove anything to us.

The men on the photograph may have been queuing for their money. The photo seems to make us believe that there are many men present at the time but we cannot be sure of how many-the line may have needed soon after the photo shows us.

Also this may have been the only place near to the men where they could join and if it was London then there was obviously going to be more men than anywhere else because it is such a vast city and there would not have been that amount of men over the rest of the country.
Join now!

Also there may be only one place to get paid in London. There is no date on this photograph so we cannot presume that it was taken before conscription was introduced and if it was taken after then it proves nothing at all to us.

The men have joined the army but not purely based on the fact that they have seen the posters; maybe because they already wanted to do their duty to help the country.

They may have felt a sense of patriotism and wanted to do their family proud before seeing the posters.

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