Evaluation. In this unit of controlled assessment I have developed a website using multimedia software. The website provides guidance for new pupils starting secondary school.

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Evaluation of Unit 4 Controlled Assessment

In this unit of controlled assessment I have developed a website using multimedia software. The website provides guidance for new pupils starting secondary school. I have produced 6 linked web pages in “Dreamweaver” which are suitable to fulfil its purpose.  

Evaluation of working practice

Generally, I felt that the way I carried out my tasks was good and well. Before, I started the assignment, our teacher allowed us to familiarise ourselves with new software and how to use certain techniques effectively. Some tasks in this assessment were worth more marks and required more time; therefore I managed my time wisely.

In the beginning of my controlled assessment I primarily created suitable folders in order to store my files. The folder was suitably named “Unit 4 Controlled Assessment,” in this folder; sub-folders were created for each task carried out in the assessment. This folder structure enabled me to store the files I needed in a logical way, so that it was easy to refer back to various aspects of my work, such as my animation. I also ensured that my folders and files had appropriate names so that it was easy to navigate through the folders and find what I was looking for. During the completion of the assessment, I ensured that I was constantly saving my files and producing back-up files. I did this by using a USB stick to save my work. It is important to make back-up copies of work, because if a file was to become corrupted or accidentally deleted, the back-up copy would be able to replace this.

Description of the suitability and effectiveness of the features analysed

At the beginning of the assignment, I analysed two existing websites; which was part of the research I carried out. The website I chose offered a variety of features, as a result I was able to analyse what made a website effective. The features I analysed were also useful in helping me to design my own solution. Moreover, I initially planned out a sketch of my website so that I could get an idea of the style and layout. The colours of my website were also taken into account, since a table of moodcolours was created

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 Evaluation of tools and techniques used

Graphical Images- In the implementation stage of the controlled assessment, I created two images, both in the appropriate format. My logo was created in “Paint” and my original graphic was created in “Fireworks.” When producing these, I applied many of the techniques stated to my graphic using a range of software tools. Firstly, I used the standard shape tool to draw a square; it is much easier to use this tool in order to draw a shape compared to drawing this by hand using the mouse. The fill tool was used to add colour ...

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This evaluation includes some good critique of the final website. It provides some examples of evaluation against what would be accepted criteria for a review of any website or design project. There are some very strong elements for example the consideration given to the website needing to appeal to the audience. Having said this, it would be very useful to have some analysis of user feedback (see last comment on document). Further development is needed for some sections for example when the student has talked about the optimization of images to ensure the site loads in a reasonable time and there is no loss of quality. There needs to be mention of what a suitable file size might be and what sort of resizing was done to preserve the quality of the image. Overall this is a three star piece of work that does contain some elements of four star. Evaluation ranks high in terms of level of difficulty and with some editing of text, addition of some more specific vocabulary with relevant examples of action taken and removal of superfluous statements the level of the piece of word would be boosted.