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Habib's book rental system


* Problem Description

* Chosen Solution

* Data Flow diagrams

* Current resources

* Performance Criteria

* System objectives

* Possible solutions


* Chosen software

* Resource requirements

* System flowchart

* Table design

* Entity relationship diagrams

* Data entry from designs

* Menu form designs

* Query designs

* Report designs

* Test plan


* Implementation plan

* Implementation commentary


User guide


Project proposal

Project title is Habib's Books Rental System

Aim of project is to investigate and also to try and solve the information handling problems of Habib's books a small shop that rents books to membership only. The owner of shop wants me to design and set up a more efficient way of storing and handing books and membership. I would be including different ways of registering to Habib's books and also I would be making a better way that would be safer and better for the company. I would change things around that would make the company easy to use and a very flexible job for the staff.


* Member details ( member number, name, address, date of birth)

* Book details ( book bar code, name of book)

* Loan details ( book number, member detail, date book due back)


* Look up member details.

* Look up book details.

* Look up loan details

* Search for videos opposite

* Search for videos due in.

* Look up there pin code.


* Member details.

* Book details

* Opposite book names.

* List of books due in

* Reminder of a letter about owning a book.

Problem Description

In my project I will try and aim to solve the information handling problems for Book Zone book rental system based on children's education.

Book zone provides all education books and all other books students prefer. To be a member of Habib's books you would need to fill in an application form that provides all your personal details. Habib's books has 162 members at the moment and 2,000 books in the store. Information about each book is added to the computer to avoid mistakes. A card is provided to every member that has there details.

If someone wants to borrow a book they take it from the shelf and give it to assistant so that hey could get the barcode number, title of book, and also to stamp the due date. The member should give the card to the assistant so that the number could be taken. The member is asked to confirm date of birth and there pin code for security reasons, they would also have to sign a form for them taking a book out. The assistant would ask how long they would like to borrow it and stamp it on the book and also type it up in our files. If the security question is not answered wrong the assistant would not get the card back unless they bring proof so show there self.
Join now!

When the member returns the book the assistant would go to the computer and delete it from the books that should be bought back. In the book the date is crossed out and replaced in the shelf for the next member. If a book is not bought back a warning letter would be sent out 3 times to remind the member. At the end of the day the assistant would search the computer if any books that are overdue and send a reminder letter.

When someone wants to borrow a book and if it is out of ...

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