Discuss the problem of causation in criminal law and what rules have evolved to deal with the problem.

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Discuss the problem of causation in criminal law and what rules have evolved to deal with the problem.

Causation in its basest terms is simply the remoteness of the act from the crime.  This in itself has caused many problems with regard to legal argument and also subsequent loopholes that appeared within the criminal law.

It has been established over many years and tried cases, that there must be a clear and unbroken link, or chain of events, that links the defendant to the criminal act.

The first and most important point to be considered is “would the act have occurred anyway?”  This is often referred to as the “but for” test.  In simplest terms this means would the consequence of the defendants act have occurred in the same way at the same time ‘but for’ the defendants actions.  If the answer to this question is ‘Yes’ then the defendant is not guilty of that crime, R. v. White (1910).  However, he may still be guilty of a different crime as with White.

One question that has to be considered when looking at the question of causation is ‘did the defendant actually commit the act?’  If a criminal gets an innocent party to carry out the act of theft, does this exonerate him from prosecution?  Surely if there is no actus reus then there is no crime.  However, in R. v. Manley (1844) the courts felt otherwise and that a person will be guilty of the act even if an innocent agent performed the act.

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Another problem area has revolved around indirect participation in a crime.  This problem centres on (D) poisoning (V) by placing the poison in a drink, which he knows (A) is going to sell (V) next.  Obviously (A) is totally unaware of the poison and has no part in the crime, but under the strict rules of the actus reus he has committed the act and therefore should be guilty.  But as with above (A) is an innocent agent and is not guilty, while (D) is clearly guilty using Manley as precedent.

The next question to be considered is ‘did ...

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Summary The rules of causation have been set out, but the answer would benefit considerably by including the facts of the cases that have been identified. Without this detail, the problems of causation referred to in the question cannot be clearly explained. Rating: ***