The impact of exclusion clauses on the consumer of goods and services in England and Wales is no longer of any significance. Critically analyse the statutory controls that exist over the use of exclusion clauses and assess the truth of this statement.

The impact of exclusion clauses on the consumer of goods and services in England and Wales is no longer of any significance. Critically analyse the statutory controls that exist over the use of exclusion clauses and assess the truth of this statement.
Exclusion clauses are a clause that is included in a contract which seeks to limit the liability that one party owes to another. The courts recognize that there is a need for businesses to impose a financial ceiling on a contract, in order to limit the risk when entering into a contract. This is generally recognized by the freedom of contract however business, with their unfair bargaining position may take advantage of consumers, hence there exist statutory controls to govern the use of exclusion clauses.
The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 has a significant effect on exclusion clauses. It imposes statutory limits on the avoidance of civil liability through exclusion clauses in business contracts. It only works when one of the parties were dealing as a consumer and another is not. It is interpreted widely, including businesses which are dealing as consumers. l However, the control may not extend to exclusion clauses that are not incorporated into the contract. In the case of R & B Custom Brokers case, the defendants was a shipping company who had purchased zlsome cars, which was merely incidental to their business and not integral to it. Hence they were consumers.