Hotel Rwanda Cinematic Techniques

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Hotel Rwanda Cinematic Techniques

Hotel Rwanda is one of the most tragical movie I have ever watched. It is an historical dram film about a hotel manager who  on saving the life of around 1,200 people when a deadly genocide occurred in Rwanda. The cause for this ethnic  was between two tribes, “the Hutu and the Tutsi” who were claiming to be in power of running the country. Although  was a Hutu, he plans on saving innocent people from the war by protecting them in his hotel; since his wife, Tatiana’ was from the opposite tribe, he risked his life in protecting her and her people at the same time from , the vice president of Rwanda also a Hutu who mainly brought the foundation of this war.
However, Paul alone couldn’t protect his family and hotel, so he bribed people of major influence with money and alcohol to protect him and his family from the dreadful conflict, but later when he run out of resources , he realised he was unable to
 any longer with the guards so he abandoned his hotel. Sadly all foreigners in the country were allowed to evacuate the country safely before any disaster could have happened to them leaving the Rwandans behind to suffer in such catastrophe. Unfortunately even the UN army couldn’t interfere in the war since they were already forbidden to intervene in the political situation. In spite the fact that the UN was ambushed the first time they tried to leave the country, later they travel in a convoy with refugees to a place where they were safely guarded from the Tutsi rebels.
Overall I think this movie is really excellent, every scene was depressing. There are some scenes that really touched my heart; it made me sad, angry. And most importantly I was disgusted by the way the Tutsis treated the Hutus; I mean it was really deliberately cruel of them to massacre people like that. I still wonder why the UN was forbidden to intervene the genocide?

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Hotel Rwanda without sound is still gruesome and frantic at times, but it loses its potency and pungency. Scenes involving the interahamwe and massacre are difficult to watch, yet made somewhat easier. The chaos created by the noise strikes terror into the viewer so that even the scenes of genocide or people that are being cut to pieces with machetes, are easier to handle without the screaming of the victims. Without the sound you can see the expressions on the individual’s faces but it is hard to tell why they are expressing these emotions. It is not the dialog that is ...

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** This essays begins to analyse some of the effects of the technical codes and conventions in the film. However, it often veers into description and does not use enough key technical terms. The essay has no conclusion and stops abruptly.