Is the role of the Prime minister becoming more Presidential?
The prime minister is meant to be the first among equals. This seems to be changing though in recent times.
Margaret Thatcher was the foundation of the change of the prime minister. Thatcher managed to change her role to become more of an individual power being so popular with the public. This occurred after the Falklands war. This huge popularity meant that Thatcher was untouchable with in the Tory party there for giving her the opportunity to change. Instead of being the first among equals Thatcher saw herself as more of an above rank to her cabinet. With this view that the cabinet were beneath her taking advice of them seemed ludicrously ridicules. Having some one who isn’t as good as you helping to do your job. Ignoring her cabinet meant that the only one who was making the decisions in the government was Mrs Thatcher. It wasn’t just that Thatcher had a large majority which gave her the drive she needed to ignore her cabinet Thatcher’s personality was a big pert in turning her role to be more presidential. Looking for the opportunity which was given to her by the public seemed to speed up the inevitable other factors would have resulted in the same out come. It seems that as the Prime ministers power grows the position becomes more presidential. The increase of the prime ministers power could come from the economy. If the economy is doing well the public and party would be happy with the way that country is being run. Other factors that can determine the power of the PM are recent events e.g. the Falklands and party opinion.