Terrorism. What is terrorism? 2. Why do terrorists use terror tactics? 3. What caused the September 11th terror attacks on America?

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  1. What is terrorism?
  2. Why do terrorists use terror tactics?
  3. What caused the September 11th terror attacks on America?

         Terrorism is the unlawful or threatened use of force or violence on people or property to compel or intimidate governments or societies, often to achieve political, religious, or ideological objectives. However it is difficult to define terrorism because all acts of terrorism are open to interpretation.

        One form of terrorism is war terrorism which is violence used indiscriminately against a civilian or non military population, the motive of the people who use this type of terrorism is to win a war. An example of this is, is the first dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. This instantly killed 70-10,000 people and a possible 200,000 dead from radiation sickness in the next five years. The arguments for this was to end the war, to avoid the potentially massive allied losses an invasion would cost, revenge for Pearl Harbour and to justify the money spent on the development of the bomb. The victims for this were civilians and not military so this could be interpreted as an act of terrorism even if it was justified by the government as a necessity of war. This is similar to international terrorism as it has an effect on another country, in this case, the civilians of Japan. This differs as the people carrying out the attack were part of the military.  

        Another form is of terrorism is government terrorism; this is when a government does not obey the law and doesn’t give its people rights like free speech. One of the most extreme forms of this kind of terrorism might be called a “reign of terror.” An early form of this was during the French Revolution when from 1793-94 the French revolutionary government sent increasing numbers of people to their death estimated at 30,000 people. Anyone who opposed the government was caught and often executed without a fair trial, by the guillotine. The motive of this was to control the people and to destroy any opposition so that the government would not be overthrown. Another more recent example is Saddam Hussein’s regime in Iraq which ended in 2003 because of a US led coalition. Under his regime people weren’t allowed rights like free speech. The government also crushed any opposition.  Some people might say that this isn’t terrorism because the government should be able to rule their country how they want however this is normally known as terrorism as it is unlawful use of violence on civilians. This is similar to terrorism which is used against governments as both the civilians and the government is involved but in this case it is the government carrying out the terrorism.  

        One form of terrorism is urban terrorism which is when terrorist groups fight in cities. They have realized that this is an effective way to achieve their aim because in most countries, most people live in the cities so it is an effective way to gain publicity for their cause. An example of this was the IRA’s Dockland Bombings in London on February 6th 1996. The IRA’s motive was to free Northern Ireland from British rule. By bombing cities in Britain, the IRA could gain more publicity, made them look bigger then they really were so that they could achieve their political aims. Another example of this was in Uruguay in 1962, a small revolutionary group called the “Tupermaros” was formed. Their aims were to overthrow the government by using terror tactics. This was similar to terrorism being used against the government as the group was trying to overthrow the government by using urban terrorism. This all considered as terrorism because it was the killing of civilians to achieve a political end but might not be because the people fighting might say that their cause is right.

        Terrorism can sometimes be used against governments, when people want to break free form a government, terrorism has been used to achieve their political aim. This is called terrorism in wars of liberation. An example of this was the Rhodesian War which lasted between 1972-1980. Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) was an African country controlled by a white minority. There were two groups which used terrorism to fight to free the black community from both Britain and the white minority. Terrorism was used by these groups to frighten any black who worked for or helped white people to make it difficult for the white community to survive. The groups aim was to destabilize the country so that the whites would leave. This is considered terrorism as it is the use of violence to intimidate people but some people might say that it isn’t because without using terrorism, the groups wouldn’t be able to achieve their political aims.

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        Another form of terrorism is called international terrorism; this covers a wide range of terrorist actions which in some way have an effect on another country. There are many examples of this type of terrorism as there have been many terrorist attacks recently, mainly in the Middle East. One example is the Israel-Palestine situation. During World War I, Britain had promised the Jews a homeland, after the conflict ended the British received the protectorate of Palestine and many Jews settled in the area. This started to cause friction with the native Arab population. After WW2 and events such as the ...

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