According to behaviourists, the principles of conditioning can be applied to many aspects of human behaviour.

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Karl Wilson

According to behaviourists, the principles of conditioning can be applied to many aspects of human behaviour.

Outline what is meant by operant conditioning and briefly explain how it can be applied to any one human behaviour.

Operant conditioning is when a way of learning by consequence.  To put it basic, an action which is rewarded is more likely to be repeated, along with an action that is punished is less likely to be repeated.  To apply this to an example of human behaviour, young children may have shaped behaviour due to operant conditioning; where desireable behaviour is rewarded (e.g. by giving a toy) the behaviour is being positively reinforced and is likely to occur.  If a young child behaves in an undesirable way, then they may be punished (e.g. a toy being taken away from them) therefore this behaviour is negatively reinforced and is less likely to reoccur.

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A dentist tried to soothe the fears of his young patients by showing them cartoons whilst drilling their teeth.  Many years later a former patient said, “After all these years I still cannot bear to watch cartoons”.

Outline what is meant by classical conditioning, and show how it could be used to explain why this person cannot bear to watch cartoons.

Classical conditioning is learning by association.  This is simply learning to associate two events which often occur at the same time.  As in the example, the former patient has associated watching cartoons with the bad experience ...

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