Cognitive Development

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Cognitive development is a mechanism in where the mind processes new information.

An individual can understand any information which corresponds with his or her outlook of the world. When or if this information fails to correspond with this individual’s view of the world they will be required to re examine and modify there means of thinking to accommodate this new information.

Jean Piaget observed children and their development of making sense of the world and environment around them. He finally developed a four stage model of how and why the mind processes any new information it encounters known as ‘Piaget’s Stage theory of Cognitive Development’. Piaget suggests that all children develop through 4 stages and they all develop in exactly the same order.

These stages are known as the sensorimotor stage, Preoperational stage, Concrete Operations, and Formal Operations.

During the Sensorimotor stage which initially occurs from birth to two years it is suggested that the child fabricates an understanding and becomes aware of themselves and how things work also developing a sense of reality. This occurs through interactions with the environment. The infant is able to distinguish the difference between itself and other objects.

The learning takes place by assimilation (which is the organization of information and absorbing it into existing schema) and accommodation (which is when an object cannot be assimilated and the schema has to be modified to include the object).

Throughout this stage the infant learns about themselves and their environment through motor and reflex actions. Their thoughts derive from sensations and movements and they begin to understand that they are separate from their environment.

The Preoperational stage occurs between the ages of two and four years. The infant begins to utilize symbols to classify objects. Objects are also personified by the infant and they are able to think about events that are not directly present. The infant is not yet able to conceptualize time. At this stage the infant will take information and adjust it to fit his ideas.

The Concrete Operations stage occurs between the ages of seven to eleven. During this stage the child’s physical experience accumulates resulting in the accommodation increasing. The child begins to think abstractly and conceptualize and also make rational judgments about concrete or observable phenomena.

The Formal Operations stage occurs at the ages of eleven to fifteen and associates the individual with no longer requiring concrete objects to make rational judgments. The individual is capable of deductive and hypothetical reasoning and their ability of thinking is similar to that of an adult.

Piaget conducted a number of tests on children between the ages of 0 to 16 years old. He endeavored to research exactly how logical thinking develops in children and strived to understand how children acquire and utilize information from their surrounding environment. Piaget believed that our senses capture information about things around us and our brain then processes and stores this information as a result of this our behavior is modified. This process is known as Cognition.

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Piagets theory of child development has raised questions and criticisms, because he suggest that there is a particular stage during a child’s life when he/she is able to do certain things some researchers have challenged his theory and established that certain children can be taught theses things if they are encouraged to. It could be argued that Piaget overlooked the variations in individual children’s thinking as opposed to Piaget focusing on the average or typical child. Piaget also only focused on children’s interactions with their environment however more recent evidence shows that children’s cognitive development can be influenced by their ...

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