Essay on Co-education

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Today i am going to express my opinion to you about co education.

What is co education?

It is, both male and female students studying in the same class.

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Where does co education exist?

Co education exists in primary, secondary, high schools. In colleges, and in universities.

There are co education and separate schools in karachi.


What are the positivities of coeducation?


We have more students in a class

We do not have to make a new school for only boys or girls.

Talking to boys/girls, builds confidence.

Students remove their fear of boys/girls.

Students learn for the future life, like when they go to office.

Separate Schools:

Need to build separate schools.

Lack of confidence.

No motivation to go to school.


This is a preview of the whole essay

Here's what a teacher thought of this essay

Summary The writer has briefly covered the advantages and disadvantages of co-education and single sex education. However, there is very little detail and no citing of evidence to back up their claims. There is quite a lot of research into this subject and in order to improve upon this score the writer needs to read around the subject more. Key points have been missed out and inaccurate statements have been included. Score 2*