Friendship and development

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Psychology Half-Term assignment

Name two indicators of attachment identified by Schaffer and Emerson

Schaffer and Emerson identified two aspects to use indicators for attachment these are:-

Separation anxiety and Stranger Anxiety.


John Bowlby advocates the idea that deprivation during the critical period has derogatory effects in later life in extreme cases of maternal deprivation it leads to affectionless psychopathy Jack’s case show cognitive difficulty as his case seems to support Bowlby’s maternal theory as he never had an attachment to his mother and lacked the continuous care that Bowlby insists must be present for 5 years. Furthermore, the child’s attachment relationship with their primary caregiver leads to the development of an internal working model Jack’s model is based upon a broken relationship and so moral decline and lack of cognitive development with a lack of social skill is quite evident.

Discuss what psychologists have discovered about the development of friendship.  Refer to evidence in your answer. (12 mark)

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Many factors are indeed involved in the formation and development of friendships on important factors is Psychologists have observed that there is a difference in the type of friendships that are formed within different age groups Selman attempted to categorise these groups and came up with the following: - 0-2 Months Pre-attachment relationships with little or no discrimination between objects 2-6 Months infants now prefer human company and they can distinguish between Familiar and Unfamiliar people. 6 Months specific attachment preferences are shown and from 2 years onwards goal related friendships are made. However Selman’s categories’ are not clearly ...

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