SOCIAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY - Critically Evaluate Psychological Theories of Interpersonal Attraction

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Evaluate Psychological Theories of Interpersonal Attraction

        Interpersonal Attraction suggests as attraction between people, and although it may not in terms of a romantic relationship scenario as the phrase suggests, it nethertheless suggests an important attraction to create a relationship with a particular person.  It may by that we are attracted to a particular person or a social relationship because we find them pleasant or because we find life alone unpleasant or unrewarding.  Schacter (1959) conducted a study in which female participants were told that they were going to receive an electric shock in a following experiment.  Half of the subjects were told it would be painful and the other half were told it would not be painful.  Each group were given the option to wait with another person or on their own for the experiment.  A significantly higher number of people from the group who expected a painful electric shock waited with another person.  This showed the importance of social relationships in the reduction of anxiety and the sharing of experiences.

        However, why is it that we are attracted to some people more than other people?  Wilson (1986) argues that sexual attraction can be explained through an understanding of ‘survival efficiency’.  By way of ‘bargaining’ between men and women, our relationships have become defined and characterised.  It is in the ‘Interest’ of males to impregnate as many women as possible because he is capable of producing many sperm, whereas the women’s best chance of her genes surviving is to ensure the healthy survival of the relatively few offspring she is capable of mothering because she can only produce one egg at a time.  This would suggest that women would find status and wealth attractive in a male whereas a male would find physical appearance attractive because this is often an

indicator of good health.  This has been supported by certain ‘Lonely Hearts’ advertisement analysis such as Brehm’s (1985) study where women offer and men ask for attractiveness and in Dunbar’s (1995) study in which males typically needed physical attractiveness in their partners and offered resources such as wealth and status.  Other psychologists such as Ridley (1993) have also shared this socio-biological theory  that individuals only exist to pass on their genes to the next generation.  However, this suggests that there is no free will or self awareness in choosing social relationship partners and is heavily deterministic.  In much of the research, it also presumes heterosexuality and this can be seen in particular in Dunbar’s and Brehm’s studies and in turn supports gender stereotypes which is an ethical concern.  This means that the opinion of males behaviour to seek out many sexual partners is supported and explains away this behaviour easily.  From this, the socio-biological theory seems to generalize animal behaviour to that of humans, and the need for reproduction and does not focus upon the real reasons as to why we form social relationships.  It also presumes that sexual attraction and behaviour is ‘about’ reproduction.  Many sexual unions are not directed at bearing children and many people choose to remain childless.

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        Other theories have focused more into the actual social situation in which these relationships occur.  One major factor that seems to play a part in the formation and attraction in relationships is the proximity, exposure and familiarity between two individuals.  Proximity suggests that we are attracted to people that we are physically close to, and this would seem to fit in with our common sense and therefore has face validity.  Festinger (1954) showed in his Dormitory Study that people became more friendly with close neighbors.  He found that 41% had a close friendship with the person next door, had a not ...

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