Stress in the work place

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Rick Green - Psychology

Stress in the work place

No work is without stressors, but some jobs seem to produce particular stress and to have clear risks to health. Air-traffic controllers and Marine Navigation Officers, for example, who must make split-second decisions that affect the lives of hundreds of people, have an extremely high turn-over rate and an incidence of gastric ulcers that is well above average. People who must adapt their sleep patterns to the changing hours of a rotating shift suffer stress as a result of the disruption of their circadian (daily) rhythms. Women who must balance the demands of a job with those of child care are twice as likely to suffer from coronary heart disease as housewives with the same number of children.

Here are a few workplace stresses, Noise, Length of working day, Inherent danger,

Such as relationship with co-workers, Organisation of work, Role responsibility

There are many environmental factors in the workplace that increase aggression and stress. These include, the noise in which the workplace is at, the heat of the room,

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Poor lighting within your workplace making barriers of seeing, an overcrowded workplace

The effect of unpredictable noise was demonstrated in a study by Glass et al. (1969). Sixty undergraduates completed various cognitive tasks in one of 5 conditions; loud or soft noise that was either random (unpredictable) or at fixed intervals (predictable), there was also a no-noise condition.

Stress was measured using GSR. After the task participants were asked to complete 4 puzzles, two of which couldn’t be solved, in order to create frustration. Overall this shows that noise creates stress especially when it is unpredictable. This implies ...

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The writer has given a very brief account of workplace stress. It seems clear that s/he understands the subject but unfortunately a great deal of detail is absent. The studies mentioned could be elaborated upon to make it clear that the writer understands fully the implications of the findings. Also there are some vital studies which have not been included in this piece of work. The conclusion has to weigh up the evidence that is available with regard to workplace stress. Unfortunately, the writer has not done this. The score reflects the lack of detail in this work so there is the possibility of improving it if the comments made are taken on board. Score 3*