Descartes method of systematic doubt

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Descartes method of systematic doubt

What descarte was trying to achieve when he devised a method of doubt was the ability to come out with the truth through devising a sytem. He aimed to achieve this by discarding all that he had once believed to be knowledge and subtracting everything apart from what he could be 100% certain was pure unarguable knowledge. Once Descarte had built this platform he hoped to build up the remainder of his knowledge from it.

To achieve this task that the philosopher had set himself Descartes went about his task by questioning all his knowledge that he believed as certainties. Although this was in many ways an un-productive approach to undertake Descartes saw this as essential if he was to gain only certainties and not duff information. By rejecting everything that however likely to be true there could be the slightest smidgen of doubt Descartes was able to form a distinction between what could be taken as truth and what could be taken as belief…  For example say a person is standing next to nelsons collum at 6.25 if they were to leave the surrounding area they could not say for certain that if they returned at 6. 45 nelsons collum would still be standing and that it had not been hit by a tornado and toppled over because although immensely unlikely up to the point when most people would accept it as a certainty there is still the slightest chance of this matter happening and for this reason it can not be taken as a certainty and can be doubted.

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Another example is the reliability of the senses and how they can deceive a person and so cannot be relied on sight for example. A prime example that Descartes used was that the sun looks very small to the human eye maybe the size of a bright orange and yet in reality it is hundreds of thousands of miles in diameter many times larger then the earth,  showing that the sense of sight cannot be relied on with absoloute certainty.

Descartes then progressed his argument by saying that other senses could not be true. While he is writing ...

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