Effects of Christianity on Behaviour, Attitude and Lifestyle.

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G.C.S.E Religious Studies

Effects of Christianity on Behaviour, Attitude and


Justice and Reconciliation


“There could be no such things as prison in a truly Christian society.”

I think a truly Christian society is based on the life and teaching of Jesus, this means we must follow the 10 commandments and the gospel values. At the heart of Christian society there should be existence of love, forgiveness, mercy, justice to criminals. Jesus’ command was to “Love your God, Love your neighbour and Love yourself.” By obeying these commandments we are being Christ-like which is what the Christian society is all about.  

Forgiveness does not mean letting people walk all over you! But it is important. Christianity follows Jesus’ teaching in stressing that forgiveness is vital. It may be very hard, particularly for the victim of a crime. The Prodigal Son was a parable that showed forgiveness.

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The prison is the means to deliver the punishment, the denial of freedom. The convicted are imprisoned as a punishment, not for punishment. “Her Majesty’s Prison Service serves the public by keeping in custody those committed by the courts. Our duty is to look after them with humanity and help them lead law abiding and useful lives in custody and after release.” HM Prisons Service’s Mission Statement 1988.

Three principles in prison craft:

Security- to hold securely those sent to prison.

Humanity- to treat prisoners with humanity, prisoners lose their liberty they            


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