Give an account of Kant’s Ethical Theory
Kant was a philosopher born in the 16th Century. He developed a deontological, absolute and objective ethical theory focused on the idea of moral law. Kant’s theory uses practical reason and looks at the argument before deciding what to do about the situation. It is described as being a priori and synthetic; this meaning it is knowable without experience and can be proven to be true or false without using experience. His theory basically explained that humans must do their duty, without having to reference it to experience. Kant believed in right and wrong based on reason, he relies on intuitions or facts. For Kant, practical reason looks at the evidence and the argument, he says it cannot depend on external facts. For freedom, Kant says you must be capable of exercising freedom or autonomy of will. For Kant’s Ethical Theory, only good will counts, he believes it is the starting point for the whole of Ethics. Only good will can be unconditional love. So for his theory, we humans must do our duty, which makes the will good. He says that duty is done for its own sake and not for any kind of benefit to our self. He says we know what is good by using reason. Kant says we have an obligation to do our duty; he calls this the Categorical Imperative.

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3/5 The student includes a lot of descriptive points and shows a good familiarity with the terms involved in Kant's theory. These points typically get some of the gist of Kant's theory, though are often mistaken. Significant attempt at evaluation is made, though most of these attempts misfire and/or display a lack of understanding of Kant's theory. The student contradicts themselves quite frequently. Also these attempts at evaluation do not take the form of arguments, but often are just stated without explanation.