Give an account of Kant's ethics

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A.) Give an account of Kant's ethics

Kantian ethics is a deontological and objective theory of ethics. It is the belief that one may understand what is right and wrong based on reason, and that one should do the right actions because it is the right thing to do. If something is wrong in one situation, it is wrong in any situation regardless of what the consequence might be. Kantian ethics is also based on the idea of one's duty and to obey moral law which is freely self-imposed on one's self by a mere awareness to moral obligations rather than it being imposed on by others. According to Kant one should not behave out of any inclinations or love and compassion. In this essay I will be giving a clear and detailed account of Kantian ethics by explaining the idea of good will and duty, the categorical imperative and it's sub-sections.

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According to Kant, the highest form of good is good will. He mentioned that good will is carrying out one's duty and doing only the actions which are morally required whilst avoiding any thought of the benefits that will be achieved which are considered to be morally wrong. A duty is good because it is good within itself meaning that one does his duty due to the fact that it is his solely one's duty.

With the awareness of happiness, Kant accepted that happiness is also good however one should behave with the idea that happiness will come ...

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3/5 The essay presents most of the key points concerning the nature of Kant's moral philosophy. A lack of clarity means that many of these statements are very confused though and while they include the sort of words you'd expect to hear, the arbitrariness of the order makes it difficult to tell whether the student really know what they are saying. The discussion of the categorical imperative is particularly poor, as little understanding is shown of its three formulations.