State the names of the three persons of the trinity? and Explain why Christians celebrate Whitsun (Pentecost)

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  1. State the names of the three persons of the trinity?

The Trinity is made up of the full complement of God’s fullness, God the father God the son and God the Holy Spirit.

  1. Explain why Christian’s celebrate Whitsun (Pentecost).

Pentecost is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter, and was originally a solely Jewish feast, celebrating the Jewish Harvest Festival.  This was taken on by the Christian church and given another meaning, it is said to celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit to Christ’s Disciples and therefore the beginning of the Christian church.  This is depicted in Acts 2: 1-11, as stated,  “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.”

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 Many baptisms take place at this time, and the term Whitsun is said to originate from the fact that the newly baptized would habitually wear white.

  1. Choose two other Christian Festivals and explain the importance they might have in the life of a Christian?

Many would say that the most important Festival of all time in the Christian calendar would have to be Easter.  Easter is a succession of a chain of events that begin with Shrove Tuesday and theoretically end after Easter Monday, the dates of many other important events are also directly related to Easter.  The ...

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