An Investigation of the Water Potential in a Root Vegetable.

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An Investigation

of the

Water Potential

in a

Root Vegetable



Richard Godwin-Baker

To Determine the Water Potential of a

Root Vegetable


Water potential is represented by the Greek letter Psi (Ψ) and is measured in Megapascals (MPa).

Water potential is the measurement of the ability of water molecules to diffuse from a region of high water potential to a region of low water potential down a concentration gradient. The water molecules move through a semi-permeable membrane and can move in either direction and do so according to the Ψ on each side. For example if a cell with a high water potential was placed in a solution with a low water potential the water molecules would leave the cell via the membrane, and would continue to do so until the solution has the same Ψ as the cell, this is termed equilibrium. If a cell with a low water potential was placed in a solution with a high water potential the water molecules would be absorbed by the cell via the membrane until the equilibrium has been met. After the equilibrium has been reached there will be no net movement of water molecules.

Osmosis is the net movement of water molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration. Osmosis occurs in both animal and plant cells but has a slightly different affect in each.

In animal cells if a cell is placed into a sucrose solution that has a higher Ψ than the cell, then the water molecules will diffuse into the cell via the semi-permeable membrane and the cell will increase in size and weight until the equilibrium has been reached. If the cell takes in too much water it may burst, termed Lysis, and this can happen quite easily as animal cells don’t have a cell wall o there is only a thin membrane surrounding the contents of the cell, and this membrane can only sustain so much pressure before it breaks down. If the animal cell is placed into a sucrose solution that has a lower Ψ than the cell then the water molecules will diffuse out of the cell and the cell will decrease in size and will dehydrate. Dehydration can also kill cells if they loose too much water.

With plant cells if a cell was placed into a sucrose solution with a higher Ψ than the cell the water molecules will diffuse into the cell via the semi-permeable membrane and the cytoplasm inside the cell will swell and the cell will become more translucent and turgid and will also gain weight. The cell is less likely to burst as plant cells have cell walls and these walls will help to prevent the cell diffusing too much water. If the plant cell is placed into a sucrose solution with a lower Ψ than the cell the water molecules will diffuse out of the cell from the cytoplasm until the equilibrium has been reached and this will cause the cytoplasm to shrink away from the cell wall, termed Plasmolysis. The cell will also loose weight.


The aim of this investigation is to measure the water potential of Celeriac tissue using a Sucrose solution.

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By increasing the concentration of a Sucrose solution it will result in the loss of water molecules from the Celeriac tissue until the equilibrium has been reached. This will cause a decrease in mass and length of the tissue.

A Fair Test

To ensure that this test is fair and to get the most accurate results possible we must follow the following rules:

  • Separate test tubes must be used for each solution made
  • Two measuring cylinders must be used, one to measure the sucrose solution only and one to measure the ...

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