Determination of the Concentration of Acid in Gastric Juice

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Determination of the Concentration of Acid in Gastric Juice


A titration was carried out in this experiment to find the concentration of hydrochloric acid is an unknown solution. The aim of this experiment is to determine the number of moles of sodium hydroxide in hydrochloric acid and then to determine the number of moles of sodium hydroxide present in gastric juices.

Titration, or volumetric analysis, is a common laboratory procedure for the analysis of substances and solutions. In a titration, the analyst determines the volume of a solution, called a titrant, that reacts exactly with a known weight or volume of another substance.

This reaction is carried out by adding a solution of reactant hydrochloric acid from a burette to a solution of sodium hydroxide until just sufficient of hydrochloric acid has been added to react with all of the sodium hydroxide. If the concentration and volume of hydrochloric acid is known the number of moles of sodium hydroxide can be calculated, if the equation for the reaction is known.  This procedure is known as a titration and the point at which sufficient volume of hydrochloric acid has been added to the sodium hydroxide to complete the reaction is called the end point. An indicator which changes colour at the equivalence point is often used to indicate the titration end point. This standardized solution of sodium hydroxide can then be used to determine the concentration of acid in the sample of gastric juice.

Acid-base titration is when a titration is carried out with a known volume of a strong acid which in this case is HCl, of unknown concentration, with a standard solution of a strong base NaOH.  The reaction taking place is:

HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq)  →  NaCl(aq) + H2O(aq)                                      

A titration can be used to find the concentration of an acid in gastric juices because the acidity in the gastric juices is mainly caused by hydrochloric acid. Therefore, by doing the simple acid base titration with a standard solution of hydrochloric acid and a solution of sodium hydroxide the amount of acid used to neutralise the base is determined. The standardised solution of sodium hydroxide can then be used to determine the concentration of acid in the sample of gastric juices.

There are three aims of this experiment which are to determine the number of moles of sodium hydroxide in hydrochloric acid, and to determine the number of moles of sodium hydroxide present in the gastric juice. Finally, using the results to calculate the pH of the sample and compare it to the pH found using a pH meter.

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Firstly safety is very important and a lab coat must be worn at all times whilst in the laboratory and long hair should be tied back. Safety goggles should also be worn to protect eyes and no food or drink should be consumed in the lab. Bags should be left outside as they are an obstruction and a safety hazard.

Risk Assessment


Here is a list of some of the apparatus used in the experiment:

White tile

Funnel- for pouring liquids into instruments with small openings


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