Factors That Affect the Rate of an Enzyme Reaction.

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Natalia Prochnicka 11R



The aim of this experiment is to investigate one factor that affects that rate of an enzyme reaction. I have decided to examine how the concentration of the substrate hydrogen peroxide affects the rate of reaction of the enzyme catalase, which is produced by yeast.


Catalysts lower the activation energy for reactions, and the lower the activation energy for a reaction, the faster the rate.  Enzymes are biological catalysts; therefore they speed up metabolic reactions by lowering the activation energy of the metabolic reaction.


Enzymes do not undergoing any permanent chemical change during the reaction they catalyse, therefore an enzyme molecule can be used over and over again. As a result a small amount of enzyme can catalyse the conversion of a lot of substrate into a lot of product.

Enzymes are substrate specific, this means that a different enzyme is needed for each kind of substrate. For example, starch is digested to the sugar maltose by an enzyme called amylase, whereas protein is digested to amino acids by the enzyme protease.

Enzymes are made from globular protein i.e. a polymer of amino acids and have a precise three-dimensional structure which includes an active site i.e. pocket or cleft on the enzyme surface. The active site is exactly the right size and shape, and has the correct charge for a molecule of the enzymes substrate to fit into. Therefore the active site determines the specificity of the enzyme. An enzymes active site has two components: a catalytic site and a binding site. The catalytic site is where the chemical reaction catalysed by the enzyme occurs, whereas the binding site is the area that holds or binds the substrate in the correct place on the enzymes surface.

An enzymes active site is held together or in shape by:

  1. Ionic bonding – part of the enzyme will have a positive charge (+), while the other half will have a negative charge (-) and opposite charges attract.
  2. Hydrogen bonding –an attraction between the H2 in one part of the enzyme and the 02 or N2 in another part of the enzyme. This is a smaller attracting than the ionic bonding.
  3. Hydrophobic interaction – this is between the dies chains on the enzyme.

Enzymes work best at an optimum temperature, which is body temperature 37°C. However because enzymes are proteins they are denatured or made inactive by temperatures of about 40°C. This occurs because at high temperature of above 40°C enzymes active sites change or loose their shape, therefore the enzymes specific substrate can no longer fit into the enzymes active site and the reaction does not take place.

Enzymes work best at an optimum pH level, which for most enzymes is pH7. This is because enzymes are proteins, hence they are damaged by very acidic or very alkaline conditions.

How an enzyme works?

Where E represents the enzyme catalysing the reaction, S the substrate, which is the substance being changed, and P the product of the reaction.

Enzymes work using the lock and key hypothesis, this is due to the lock nature of the enzyme and the key nature of the substrate.

  1. The enzyme and substrate combine together to form what is known as an ‘enzyme-substrate complex.

  1. The enzyme substrate complex goes through a transition stage where it is neither substrate or product.

  1. A complex of the enzyme and the product is produced

  1.  The product is finally made and the enzyme and product separate

Factors that affect the activity of enzymes

Factors that affect the activity of enzymes are: temperature, pH, substrate concentration and enzyme concentration.


As the temperature increases the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction also increases.  If the temperature is increased by 10°C, the rate of the reaction will double:

              Rate at x°C

              Rate at x°C        


  1. The rate of reaction increases with temperature. This is because as the temperature increases the reactants gain more kinetic energy and are moving faster. As a result collisions are more frequent and hence more collisions are successful, but also at the same time collisions also more energetic, therefore more collisions have energy greater than the activation energy. So overall the reaction is faster and more product is produced in a certain amount of time.

  1. Optimum temperature (body temperature 37°C), and thus maximum rate is reached.

  1. The rate abruptly declines with further increase of temperature. This occurs because over the optimum temperature the enzyme, a protein is denature or made inactive. This is when the active site of an enzyme changes or looses its shape, therefore the enzymes specific substrate can no longer fit into the enzymes active site and the reaction does not take place.



Each enzyme has an optimum temperature (neutral – pH7) at which there is maximum rate. However for the majority of enzymes extremely high or low pH (acidity or alkalinity) results in complete loss of activity, and therefore no reaction. This is because extremely high or low pH (acidity or alkalinity) disrupts the bands which hold the active site together, thus as with high temperature the active site changes or looses it shape. As a consequence the enzymes specific substrate can no longer fit into the enzymes active site and the reaction does not take place. Lowering the pH also cause H+ concentration to increase, and if the substrate carried a positive charge then repulsion will occur.


If the amount of the enzyme is kept constant and the substrate concentration is gradually increased, the rate of reaction will also increase, that is until it reaches a maximum reaction rate. After this point, increases in substrate concentration will not increase the rate of reaction, and we say that the enzyme is saturated which simply means all the enzyme is occupied by substrate, and added substrate molecules can't find any free enzyme to serve as a catalyst.


Initially the rate of reaction increases with enzyme concentration, however then the graph plateaus. This is because the enzyme has converted all the substrate to product, therefore there is no more substrate left and the reaction stops. Note that if there was unlimited substrate the rate would continue increasing.


 Catalase is an enzyme that works inside the cells of living organisms (animals and plants), for example in potato and liver cells. Catalase is used for removing hydrogen peroxide the poisonous by-product of metabolism from the cells. It does by speeding up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen., as shown in the equations below. Catalase is able to speed up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide for the simple reason that the shape of its active site matches the shape of the hydrogen peroxide substrate molecule. This type of reaction where a substrate molecule is broken down into smaller pieces is called an anabolic reaction.

Word and balanced symbol equation for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide:

Hydrogen Peroxide + Catalyse ⇒ Oxygen and Water

2H202 + Catalyse  2H20 + 02

To obtain a good scope of results for a accurate comparison I have decided to use 5 concentrations of hydrogen peroxide at 2% intervals: 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%.

In order for me to obtain one set of precise and reliable results I will carry out the experiment three times for each concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Therefore I will obtain three sets of results for each concentration, which I will average. In doing this I hope that any anomalous results will have a chance to show. That is why it is important to repeat any experiments, because if they were conducted only once then an anomalous result might be gained, and I wouldn’t even know because I wouldn’t have any data to compare it with. If I get any anomalous results, which are results that look inaccurate, don’t fit in with the pattern of the other results and in this experiment are results not within 20 seconds of each other. I will circle them, not include them in the average, but repeat the procedure again until I get an accurate, reliable set of results where the difference in the temperature rise between the two sets of repeats is no more than 20 seconds.

I have decided to use catalase produced by yeast, instead of for example catalase from apples, potatoes or liver. The reason for this choice is that it is simple to obtain the desired amount of yeast catalase by simply measuring it off, and there is no biological variation. By biological variation I mean that the catalase concentration will vary from apple to apple, potato to potato and liver to liver. This is because each apple, potatoes and liver is different, none are clones.

There are two ways in which I can measure the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction:

  1. Loss in concentration of the substrate.
  2. Follow the volume of gas (product) produced during the reaction. This can be done by collecting the gas in a burette or gas syringe, and measuring either the volume of gas collect in a set time or the time taken to collect a specific volume.
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I have decided to measure the rate by following the volume of gas produced by collecting the gas in a burette and timing the taken to collect 30cm3 of gas. The rate can then be worked out in the following way:

Rate=30/Average Time

This gives the rate in cm3 of oxygen produced per second, as I am timing how long it takes to produce 30cm3 of oxygen.


For a fair test I must only vary 1 variable and that is the thing I am investigating (independent variable), all the remaining variables must be kept constant. ...

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