How Does Temperature Affect the Action of Amylase on Starch?

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How Does Temperature Affect the Action of Amylase on Starch?

Hypothesis: Temperature affects the rate of enzyme activity in the breakdown of starch and amylase will break down the starch quicker as the temperature rises.


  • Spotting Tile
  • 6 Water Bath
  • 6 Test Tubes
  • Pipette
  • Amylase Solution
  • Iodine Solution
  • Stopwatch
  • Measuring cylinder
  • Starch
  • Thermometer
  • Syringe

Prediction: The amylase will break down the starch quicker according to how high the temperature is. This is because heat speeds up the rate of reaction According to the active site theory, enzymes have an active site, which is shaped so that only a molecule, known as the substrate, with the correct shape can link into the enzyme. Once the enzyme and the substrate are linked, the enzyme can increase the probability of a chemical reaction occurring. A ‘complex’ that is form makes it easier for the molecule to break down. When the decomposition is compete the molecules break away. Another molecule of the reactant will take their place. Heat gives molecules more energy, and causes them to move around faster and crash into other molecules harder. The amylase molecules will crash into more starch molecules in a shorter space of time increasing the chance of more successful collisions. The optimum temperature for enzymes is about 37˚C because this is body temperature, and this will produce the best results. This is because the enzymes are designed to work in the body at body temperature. When the amylase is heated too much, it will cause the amylase enzymes to lose their shape and denature. When the enzymes change shape the reactant molecules will no longer be able to fit in the ‘active site’. The enzymes will no longer work.

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  • Temperature – The temperature will be changed during this experiment. I will be changing the temperature at 10˚C intervals starting at 20˚C.
  • Time – The time taken to break the starch down according to the temperature will be recorded.
  • The volume of Amylase, Iodine, and Starch – This could be changed but to make it a fair test these will be kept the same all through the experiment.


  1. The spotting tile will have the different times written over the hollows.(starting at 0, with 15 second intervals)
  2. 30cm³ of ...

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