Investigating the Affect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Liver Catalase.

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Investigating the Affect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Liver Catalase

An enzyme is a biological catalyst produced in cells that is capable of speeding up the chemical reactions necessary for life. Enzymes are large complex proteins, which are very specific. Each chemical reaction in the body requires it’s own particular enzyme. Each enzyme is specific because of the shape it forms in order to react with the right part of a molecule. After a reaction has taken place the enzyme falls away from the molecule. The enzyme is unaltered. The process then repeats itself. One such enzyme is catalase. 


There are several variables that will all affect the reaction between Hydrogen peroxide and liver catalase. These are:


  • The Temperature
  • The dilution of the Hydrogen peroxide
  • The amount of catalase
  • The PH of the surrounding environment

The variable that I have chosen to investigate is temperature.


It is my belief that the hydrogen peroxide will react best with the liver catalase at around 37°C.


I have predicted this because the liver catalase will be used to working best at body temperature. Natural body temperature is usually 37°C This means that at this temperature the liver catalase will have a stronger reaction with the hydrogen peroxide. Above this temperature the enzymes may denature and will not work efficiently, if at all.

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Catalase is an enzyme that is found in the liver. It is found extensively in mammalian tissues. It is present in the body to prevent the excess build up of hydrogen peroxide in the body. Hydrogen peroxide is created continuously by numerous metabolic reactions. In large quantities peroxide can be harmful to bodily tissues and so needs to be kept to an adequate level.


Bunsen Burner, 10x test tubes, tripod, gauze, heat-proof mat, beaker, water, stirring rod, thermometer, timer, 300cm3 of Hydrogen peroxide, measuring cylinder and 30 pieces of liver (each 1cm3).



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