Investigating the rate of reaction between marble chips (calcium carbonate) and hydrochloric acid.

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I am investigating the rate of reaction between marble chips (calcium carbonate) and hydrochloric acid. To find out about this, I am going to keep all other variables constant except the concentration of the hydrochloric acid.

The equation of this reaction is:

CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + Co2 + H2O

Calcium carbonate + hydrochloric acid → Calcium chloride+ Carbon dioxide + Water.

I predict that the higher the concentration of the acid, the faster the rate of reaction is between the calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid, in other words, the rate of reaction is directly proportional to concentration of acid.

My graph of results will probably look something like this:

This prediction can be supported by the theory that acid concentration is the amount of acid particles in a given volume. A higher acid concentration means that there are more acid particles in a given volume. Given that there are more acid particles in that volume, there will be more acid particles to collide with a that volume of CaCO3; therefore there will be greater chances of successful collisions between the acid particles and the CaCO3 particles, which means an increased rate of reaction. So if the amount of acid is doubled the amount of collisions possible is also doubled as well.

To investigate my idea, I will be using the following apparatus:

Test tubes to measure the volume of the acid.

Connical flasks for the reactions to take place in

Marble chips (calcium carbonate)

Acid at concentrations 2.5M, 2M, 1.5M, 1M, 0.5M.

Top pan balance to measure the weight of the marble chips

Gas syringe to collect and measure the volume of gas collected, it must be connected to a stopper

A stand to hold up the gas syringe

Stopwatch to measure the time.

I will set up the apparatus this way:

Step1: Set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram.

Step2: Measure 0.5g of the marble chips on the top pan balance.

Step3: Measure 15ml of acid with concentration 2.5M with a test tube, and then pour it all into the conical flask.

Step4: Get the stopwatch ready

Step5: Put the measured marble chips into the conical flask with measured acid in it, and then close with the stopper from the gas syringe.

Step6: Immediately start the stopwatch, leave it to run for 5 minutes, at the 5th minute, take the volume of the gas collected by the gas syringe and record it.

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Step7: Repeat Steps2-6 two more times, recording the volume of gas collected each time.

Step8: Repeat Steps2-7 but with acid concentration 2.0M

Step9: Repeat Steps2-7 but with acid concentration 1.5M

Step10: Repeat Steps2-7 but with acid concentration 1.0M

Step11: Repeat Steps2-7 but with acid concentration 0.5M

My results will be collected and recorded in a table similar to this:

Fair Test

To make my experiment a fair test, I would use the same apparatus for every test. However, I will change the connical flask used after each test. This is to make sure that acid of ...

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