Rates of reactions of halogenoalkanes

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(Skill P)

Rates of reactions of halogenoalkanes

The relative rates of the reaction are observed by adding silver nitrate to the reaction mixture and timing the first appearance of the silver halide precipitate.

This is the equation of hydrolysis of halogenoalkanes by aqueous silver nitrate.

The X represents the halogen, e.g.; I, Br, Cl or halide I- , Br-, and Cl-

The reaction below will be the same for all halogens. You just need to replace the halogen or halide, with any of the above.

CH3  CH2 X + OH-                          CH3  CH2 OH + X-    

Ag+(aq) + X- (aq)     AgX

Nucleophilic Substitution of a halogenoalkane:

*the bromine halogen can be replaced with any other halogen


I predict that the reactivity of the halogenoalkanes with AgNO3 is;

*R = represents an alkyl group                                                                                                                                        

Most Reactive        Least Reactive

R-I > R-Br > R-Cl

So I predict that alkyl iodide will have the fastest rate of reaction than alkyl bromide than alkyl chloride being the slowest. The amount of precipitate formed will show the rate of hydrolysis, and so I would expect to see iodobutane form the precipitate the fastest, and chlorobutane the slowest.

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Theory / Explanation:

Nucleophilic substitution occurs in the hydrolysis of halogenoalkanes in a one step mechanism. Nucleophilic substitution happens when a molecule is attacked by a nucleophile and an atom or group of atom in the molecule is replaced by the nucleophile.

        In this reaction, bond enthalpy is very important. The amount of energy required to break the carbon-halogen bonds, (bond enthalpy), provides the most evidence of the rates of hydrolysis. The bond enthalpy decreases down the group.


The decreasing bond enthalpies going down group 7 of the periodic table show that the carbon-halogen ...

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