The aim of my investigation is to determine the specific heat capacity of aluminium.

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The Specific Heat Capacity of Aluminium


The aim of my investigation is to determine the specific heat capacity of aluminium.


Specific heat capacity is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1kg of mass by 1degree Celsius.(1)  In order to calculate the specific heat capacity heat capacity (c) of aluminium I can use the equation,        H=mc    T (2)

Therefore c=     H

                  m   T        

I can measure the mass of the aluminium, (m), and the change in temperature of the block, (   T), however the energy change,  (     H), is hard to measure.  Another equation I can use to calculate       H is the equation        E=ItV (3).  I can measure the energy supply using an electrical heater and recording the current the time and the voltage.  Using the first law of thermodynamics or conservation of energy E=H.  Therefore ItV=mcT.  Using this knowledge I can design the basic circuit required to record the necessary measurements.

The aluminium block has two holes one containing a heat filament and one containing a thermometer.  In order to try and measure the energy from the heating filament entering the block I need to prevent as much heat being lost into the environment as possible.  Heat can escape in three ways, by convection, conduction and radiation.  'Convection involves the bulk motion of a fluid (liquid or gas) and is usually caused by hot fluid (being less dense) rising and displacing cold fluids.  Radiation involves the emission and absorption of electromagnetic radiation.  Conduction takes place in solids and in fluids, regardless of any bulk motion of the fluid.'(4)  Conduction, like convection, requires a temperature difference to be established within the material, which conducts.  In order to overcome the conduction the conduction and radiation from the aluminium I will lag the block with polystyrene to prevent conduction and convection and also silver foil to prevent radiation.  

The polystyrene contains air, which is a very poor conductor, the air is trapped and convection can therefore not occur.

The temperature difference between the heating filament and aluminium determines the rate of energy transferred from the heating filament to the block.  The apparatus reach equilibrium when both are the same temperature.  When the heating filament is placed in contact with the cooler aluminium block the heat will flow towards the cooler object i.e. the aluminium block.  This is thermal conduction.  Aluminium is made up of a crystalline structure in which the positive metallic ions form a three dimensional lattice.  Within the spaces provided by the lattice there exists a sea of delocalised electrons, and these outer electrons are therefore able to move throughout the lattice.  The mechanism responsible for heat flow depends on coupling between adjacent molecules.  The atoms in a solid have vibrated kinetic energy.  At a hot region within the solid the vibrational energy is high.  If there is another region where the vibrational energy is lower, then heat transfer can take place and is therefore a good conductor of heat.  How much heat flows depends on additional factors e.g. time, initial temperature of the heating filament and block etc.  It is never possible for the whole block of aluminium to reach the same temperature as the heating filament.  When the temperature of the aluminium has stopped rising it is said to be in a steady state and the system is in equilibrium.  The final temperature achieved at different points within the aluminium will depend on how the block is lagged.  If the heat escapes through the sides then the greater the temperature of the block, the greater the temperature gradient and therefore the more heat is lost.  If perfect heating insulation is achieved then no heat escapes through the sides and eventually the temperature in the aluminium block will be the same at any point.  'In the steady state it is found experimentally that the rate of flow of heat,         Q/t, depends on the material of the block and is proportional to the cross-sectional area of the material.'(4) Because of this in my investigation I will try to prevent as much heat loss as possible by lagging the aluminium with polystyrene or bubble rap which will reduce convection and conduction.  I will also use aluminium foil lagging to reduce heat loss through radiation.

Trial Run:  


  • Voltmeter (recorded to 2d.p.)
  • Ammeter (recorded to 2d.p.)
  • Thermometer (recorded to the nearest half degree)
  • Aluminium block
  • Heat filament
  • Connective wires
  • Stop clock (recorded to the nearest second)
  • Power pack
  • Polystyrene
  • Aluminium foil

The errors caused by some of these apparatus are calculated later in this investigation.

In order to calculate       E, which is equal to ItV, I will measure the current (I) in amps with an ammeter connected in series, the voltage (V) in volts with a voltmeter connected in parallel and the time (t) in seconds with a stop clock.  As c (specific heat capacity)=ItV/m     T, m is the mass of the aluminium block which I weighed and found to be 1000.3g,  I must therefore also measure the temperature T in degrees C with a thermometer so the change in temperature can be determined.

Method: (Trial Run)

  • First I lagged the aluminium block with polystyrene and aluminium foil to reduce heat loss by convection, conduction and radiation.
  • Connect circuit as shown in the above diagram.
  • Record the initial temperature, current and voltage at time zero as soon as the power pack is switched on.
  • Record the temperature, current and voltage every minute for fifteen minutes.

Switch the power pack off and continue recording the temperature every minute for a further fifteen minutes.  This was to determine whether the insulation was sufficient or whether some heat was actually being lost into the surroundings.


  • Do not touch the heated filament, as this is very hot.
  • Do not touch the aluminium block when the experiment is in operation as this to can also be hot.
  • Once the aluminium has cooled, to check whether the temperature is cool enough for the object to be moved use the back of your hand.
  • Be careful with the electrics.

After my trial run and analysing my results it was clear that the insulation around the aluminium was not sufficient to prevent heat loss to the surroundings as the temperature decreased by 4 0C.  I will therefore add more insulation around the aluminium block and also around the top of the heat filament, which is not submerged with in the block.  I also noticed that the temperature increased by 4   C once the power pack was switched off.  The heat is therefore not being transferred from the aluminium block to the thermometer efficiently and quickly.  To overcome this I will place oil in the hole surrounding the thermometer as the oil is a better conductor than the air, as its molecules are closer together and the heat is therefore more easily transferred to the thermometer reducing the time in which the maximum temperature is reached after the power pack is switched off.

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In my actual method I will only record the temperature for between 5-10 minutes with the powerpack on and then off.  This is because the temperatures reached over a longer period of time such as 15 minutes as used in my trial run produced a maximum temperature of 63 C.  At temperatures as great as this there is a large temperature gradient between the block and the air, because of this a lot of heat is lost into the atmosphere producing less reliable results and I will therefore record the time and temperature for a shorter time as the ...

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