Titration Experiment Write Up

Authors Avatar by kinyung102902hotmailcom (student)

Titration practical

There is a link between the volume of alkali needed to neutralise a certain volume of acid of a known concentration. We can perform a titration of the acid and alkali, and therefore use the volume of alkali added to determine its concentration. In this investigation, we are neutralising 25 cm3 of 1 mol/dm3 of hydrochloric acid (HCl) with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) of an unknown concentration. Depending on the amount added, we can calculate its concentration using a balanced equation and other formulas.

Equipments used:                                               Chemicals used:

- Conical flask                                                             - Hydrochloric acid (1 mol/dm3)

- 25 cm3 pipette                                                                 - Sodium hydroxide (Conc. Unknown)

- Pipette filler                                                   - Phenolphthalein

- Burette

- Burette clamp

- Retort stand

- Beaker

- Funnel

- White tile

- Small Pipette

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Using a pipette filler, fill the pipette up to the mark (25cm3) - since the value needs to be very accurate, make sure it fills up to where the bottom of the concave meniscus touches the mark, observing from eye level.


Then released the acid into the conical flask. Pipette 3 drops of phenolphthalein in to flask, swirl it to make sure it has mixed completely.

Using a burette clamp, secure it onto a retort stand. Rinse the burette with the alkali (NaOH) and, with a beaker underneath, let the sodium hydroxide run through the bottom of ...

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