How metals react with Acids
HOW METALS REACT WITH ACID AND WATER A) How Metals react with Acids: The reaction of metals with acids starts off by the hydrogen being displaced. Mostly in the reaction a Metal becomes a Cation when it looses one or more valence electrons to bond with the acid and so the Acid becomes an Anion. The Result is an ionic bond, ionic compound. Sodium + Sulphuric Acid --> Sodium Sulphate + Hydrogen After the reaction occurs the result is the compound of the acid and metal used and the reaction would also release Hydrogen. We Might have to balance the equation because of the oxidation state and formulae of the Acid After a Metal and Acid react and substance called salt is made that is an ionic compound made from the neutralisation of a Metal and an Acid Different Metals have different rates of reactions, Metals like Sodium react dangerously Fast Acids like nitric acid have such an oxidation state that makes them react violently with other metals and may cause explosive reactions. Its reaction with a metal does not liberate hydrogen and salt produced usually has a very high oxidised state and heavy corrosion may be the result that is there would be a break down in the properties of the metal reacting with it and nitrogen oxide is produced B) How Metals react with Water: When a metal reacts with water it displaces the hydrogen in the water. Metals react with water more
Reactions of the Period 3 elements
Reactions of the Period 3 elements In this essay, I would like to describe the reactions of the Period 3 elements from sodium to argon with water, oxygen and chlorine. Reactions with water For sodium, sodium has a very exothermic reaction with cold water producing hydrogen and a colourless solution of sodium hydroxide. For magnesium, magnesium has a very slight reaction with cold water, but burns in steam. A very clean coil of magnesium dropped into cold water eventually gets covered in small bubbles of hydrogen which float it to the surface. Magnesium hydroxide is formed as a very thin layer on the magnesium and this tends to stop the reaction. Magnesium burns in steam with its typical white flame to produce white magnesium oxide and hydrogen. If you are heating the magnesium in a glass tube, the magnesium also reacts with the glass. That leaves dark grey products (including silicon and perhaps boron from the glass) as well as the white magnesium oxide. The oxide is also produced on heating in steam. Hydroxides are only ever produced using liquid water. For aluminium, aluminium powder heated in steam produces hydrogen and aluminium oxide. The reaction is relatively slow because of the existing strong aluminium oxide layer on the metal, and the build-up of even more oxide during the reaction. For silicon, there is a fair amount of disagreement in the books and on the
Organic and Inorganic Fertilisers
Organic and Inorganic Fertilisers A fertiliser is a chemical or natural substance added to soil to increase its fertility. (From The Concise Oxford English Dictionary.) Organic fertilisers are derived from animal or plant remains that decompose on or in the soil, slowly releasing mineral ions. Inorganic fertilisers are manufactured and consist of mineral ions and are usually sprayed onto soil in solution. Fertilisers are needed because in natural ecosystems, decomposition recycles mineral ions whereas with crops the plants are removed at harvest and therefore the minerals are removed and not replaced. All growing crops require nutrients to stimulate photosynthesis and growth throughout the growing season. (Arable Handbook brochure from Kemira Grow-How.) Some of which are more important than others. The major nutrients are nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. The secondary nutrients are calcium, sulphur, magnesium and sodium and the trace elements are manganese, iron, selenium, copper, cobalt, boron, zinc and iodine. (Multi-choice leaflet from Carrs Fertilisers.) Proportions of elements required for healthy plant growth Of the elements required for healthy plant growth, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen account for 96? - 45? carbon, 45% oxygen and 6% hydrogen. Fig 1: - A graph to show proportions of the elements required for healthy plant growth (The Organic Garden Book by
Chem Lab report. Standardization of hydrochloric acid by sodium carbonate solution
Laboratory Report: Experiment 1 Standardization of hydrochloric acid by sodium carbonate solution Name: Cheung Chun Hin, Harry Class: 6L (12) Date: 11-9-2009 Objective: To determine the concentration of hydrochloric acid using sodium carbonate solution as a primary standard in volumetric analysis (acid-base titration) Principle of method: The concentration of the hydrochloric acid can be determined by the titration reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium carbonate solution. Na2CO3 (aq) + 2HCl (aq) H2O (l) + CO2 (g) + 2NaCl (aq) From the above equation, We measure the volume of hydrochloric acid used in the titration (the difference of reading on the burette) and use it in calculating the concentration of hydrochloric acid. So the molarity of the hydrochloric acid Procedures: . The mass of anhydrous sodium carbonate required was weighed to prepare 250.0 cm3 of 0.05M sodium carbonate solution. 2. All anhydrous sodium carbonate was dissolved in a beaker with a suitable amount of deionized water and the mixture was stirred. 3. Sodium carbonate solution was poured into a 250.0 cm3 volumetric flask and it was made up to the graduated mark using deionized water. 4. The volumetric flask was shaken upside down for several times. 5. 25.0 cm3 of sodium carbonate solution was pipetted into a conical flask. 6. 3 drops of methyl orange indicator was added into the
Ice Lab and its Phase Changes
Lab 1: Ice Lab and its phase change Introduction: Everything is made up of matter. It has shape, volume and mass. All one hundred and nine elements have three states and provide the world with daily activities. An element at a solid state has particles that are very close together and vibrate. A solid state has a set shape, mass and volume and this gives it a tough shape. The second state of an element is a liquid and it also has a set volume and mass. In this state the particles vibrate and rotate in a limited space. However, like the solid they do not have a rigid shape, liquids are shaped liked the object in which they are poured. The last state of the elements is a gas. Particles of gas are very free and can vibrate, rotate, move rapidly, and the shape of gas is not known. These three states are very amusing when one experiments and looks at the changes from one phase to another. In addition, when one state changes from solid to liquid, the particles move more rapidly and the energy is more increased. This causes solid to change to a liquid form or state. The temperature remains constant as the phase changes. As more energy is increased or heat is delivered to the particles it causes the liquid to change its shape to gas. This is known as the process of phase change. When you are going from liquid to solid, the energy of the particles decreases and there is less
Preparation of a Haloalkane
Experiment 2 Preparation of a Haloalkane Date: 11-9-2006 Objective To produce 2-chloro-2-methylpropane from 2-methylpropan-2-ol. To find the yield of 2-chloro-2-methylpropane. Introduction 2-chloro-2-methylpropane is formed when 2-methylpropan-2-ol and concentrated hydrochloric acid are added together. Because alcohols undergo substitution rapidly, the reaction takes place at room temperature. Afterwards, the haloalkane would be separated with a separating funnel, dried with anhydrous sodium sulphate and extracted by distillation. Procedure . About 9 ml of 2-methylpropan-2-ol was poured into a measuring cylinder and the measuring cylinder was weighed. 2. The 2-methylpropan-2-ol was poured into a 50ml separating funnel. The mass of the empty measuring cylinder was weighed again. 3. About 20ml of concentrated hydrochloric acid was added into the separating funnel, 3ml at a time. This procedure was carried out by the window side. 4. After each addition, the funnel was sealed and was shaken. The tap was opened at intervals to allow the gas produced to be released. 5. The separating funnel was allowed to stand near the window for 20 minutes. 6. A distillation apparatus was set up, as in the diagram below. 7. The small flask in the above set-up was weighed. 8. The lower aqueous layer in the separating funnel was discarded into a beaker. 9. Excess
The aim of the courework is to find the unknow concentration of HCl
Aim: The aim of the courework is to find the unknow concentration of HCl Introduction Chemical procedure is used for determining the concentration of a solution. A known volume of a solution of unknown concentration is reacted with a known volume of a solution of known concentration (standard). The standard solution is delivered from a pipette so the volume added is known. This technique is known as titration. Often an indicator is used to show when the correct proportions have reacted. This procedure is used for acid-base, redox, and certain other reactions involving solutions. Making the standrad solution A stadard solution is a solution which the concentration is accurately known.the concertration is usely in mol dm . when making the standard solution it's in important that the correct mass is substanced acuratley and all of the solution successfully transferred to the volummetic flask. Uses of volumetic solution Volumetric solution can be used in many purposes, but it can also be used to find the following: * Concentration * Molecules mass of a substance * Percentage of an element present * Stoichiometry of an equation * Quality control Procedure Apparatus * Watch glass * Goggle * Balance * Volumtric flask * De-ioned water * Beaker * Glass rod * Teat pippette * Anhydrous sodium carbonate * Label * Spatual * Filter funnel * Bench
Energy and Rates Analysis of Chemical Reactions
Name: Alec Cooke Partners: Erik MacPherson and Ben Murat Experiment Date: November 6th 2008. Lab 3: Energy and Rates Analysis of Chemical Reactions Due Date: November 17th 2008. Instructor: Mr. MacLean Questions (i) How does the molar enthalpy of reaction of magnesium vary with different acids, namely, hydrochloric, sulfuric, and acetic acids? (ii) How does the rate of reaction of magnesium vary with these acids? Hypothesis If magnesium is mixed into any of the aqueous acid solutions, it is predicted that there will be fizzing and bubbling. This bubbling will be due to the release of Hydrogen gas, which is produced when the hydrogen bonds are broken and replaced with the magnesium. It is hypothesized that the test tubes will be warm, because the reaction is exothermic; therefore it releases energy, or heat into its surroundings. It is also expected that the carboxylic acid (Ethanoic acid) will have a faster rate of consumption for magnesium, because its carbon base will allow it to let go of its hydrogen atoms more readily than hydrochloric and sulfuric acid. The molar enthalpy for Magnesium should only vary because of human error. All three calculated enthalpies should be very close, because the molar enthalpy of Magnesium is dependant upon only Magnesium's properties, not the other reactants'. Materials * 1 mol/L Aqueous Ethanoic acid * 1 mol/L Aqueous
Acid Content of Vinegar
Acid Content of Vinegar Aim: -To determine the concentration of ethanoic (acetic) acid in a sample of vinegar. Apparatus: As per prac sheet Method: As per prac sheet Safety: Results: Morrow Vinegar- Titration repeat Initial reading Final Reading Titre 2.45ml 31.59ml 29.14ml 2 4.01ml 33.52ml 29.51ml 3 4.32ml 34.02ml 29.70ml Aceto Vinegar- Titration repeat Initial reading Final Reading Titre 2.32ml 28.90ml 26.58ml 2 0.77ml 28.23ml 27.46ml 3 3.71ml 29.19ml 25.48ml Cornwalls Vinegar- Titration repeat Initial reading Final Reading Titre 3.35ml 23.41ml 20.06ml 2 4.13ml 24.80ml 20.67ml 3 3.65ml 24.31ml 20.66ml Questions: ) Calculate the mass of ethanoic acid in each sample of vinegar. The mass of ethanoic acid in the sample of Morrow vinegar is: 0.1767g n(NaOH) = c × v = 0.1 × 0.02945 n = 0.002945 mol n(CH3COOH) = 0.002945 mol (n(NaOH) and n(CH3COOH) are a 1:1 ratio) m = n mr mass(CH3COOH) = 0.002945 × 60 = 0.1767 grams The mass of ethanoic acid in the sample of Aceto vinegar is: 0.15906g n(NaOH) = c × v = 0.1 × 0.02651 n = 0.002651 mol n(CH3COOH) = 0.002651 mol m = n mr mass(CH3COOH) = 0.002651 × 60 = 0.15906 grams The mass of ethanoic acid in the sample of Cornwalls vinegar is: 0.15906g n(NaOH) = c × v = 0.1 × 0.02046 n = 0.002046 mol n(CH3COOH) = 0.002046 mol m = n mr mass(CH3COOH) =
Fertiliers organ Vs inorganic
Fertiliers organ Vs inorganic To make sure we use our land efficiently to get as much growth from it as we can, we have chemicals such as pesticides and fertilizers to make sure farmers harvest a maximum yield each year, but how much do we know about these chemicals? There are two main types of fertilizers, organic and inorganic. Organic fertilizers are organic materials, mainly made of animal and plant wastes. Inorganic fertilizers are concentrated source of macronutrients. They are usually in powdered form, which can be added directly into the field. First of all, let us consider the advantages of using organic fertilizers. Organic materials can be made by farmers themselves as they can be produced from waste materials from cattle, i.e. from cow manure. Sometimes, farmers can fertile their land by having a mixed farm (gazing animals and growing crop at the same land). Animal waste can be applied to plant crops, making soil more fertile. This can also save farmers money to purchase chemical fertilizers elsewhere. Unlike inorganic fertilizers, organic fertilizers do not damage soil structure; they can help to reduce soil erosion by improving the soil structure such as the water-holding properties. Improving the water-holding capacity of the soil also gives a distinct advantage to areas that have arid climates. As a result of improving the soil structure of lands, it