Assess the extent to which the mass media cause the amplification of deviance.

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Assess the extent to which the mass media

cause the amplification of deviance.

Deviance amplification can be approached from a number of sociological perspectives, although it is particularly associated with the interactionalist perspective. I can mean one or more of the following:

> More deviant acts are being committed

> More serious acts are being committed

> People think there is more crime

> People have an increased fear of crime

The First two explanations refer more to deviance and the second two refer more to the social reaction to deviance, which can cause more deviance and/or more social reaction which is almost like a chain reaction. A combination of these can produce a real or perceived crime wave. Crime waves are real or imagined increases in the rate of a particular crime. They also may cause a moral panic.

S. Cohen first described how 'Folk Devils and Moral panics' could be created and amplified by the mass media when he did his study of the situation between the 'mods' and 'rockers'.

According to Goode & Ben-Yehuda (1994) "A moral panic is characterised by a feeling held by a substantial number of a members of a given society, that evil-doers pose a threat to society and to the moral order as a consequence of their behaviour. Press reports described a minor disorder involving the two groups and unattached youths at the seaside as a riot. Worse disorder between mods and rockers was predicted and became a self-fulfilling prophecy as youth polarized into the two groups, and more extensive policing produced more arrests, e.g. for obstructing the police. Self-fulfilling prophecy is a term which occurs when a group of people are labelled as being deviant maybe and it creates them to act to that label.
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J. Young used the interactionalist perspective to explain 'the role of the police as amplifiers of deviancy, negotiators of reality and translators of fantasy. Young explained the special role of the police and courts in amplifying deviance associated with drug abuse. The following diagram, based on Young's work, can be used to illustrate the role of the media or the role of the police in amplifying deviance.

E. Lemert distinguished primary deviance, which nearly everyone committed and usually went unnoticed or had no consequence, from secondary deviance, which resulted in labelling the person as a deviant. He ...

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