Assess the Functionalist Theory of Culture essay

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Using item A, assess the functionalist theory of culture (25 marks)

Item A

According to functionalist sociologists, everything in society performs a function. This is also the case for culture. In the view of functionalists such as Durkheim, the key features of society is that it is orderly and harmonious – despite the fact that different individuals may have competing or conflicting interests, they are still able to live together and cooperate with one another.

Durkheim argues that this is because of the existence of a shared culture or values consensus. This shared culture binds us together by giving them a sense of belonging and a set of common goals, which they can achieve through cooperation. This helps to safeguard individuals and society conflict.

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Functionalists believe that everything in society has a function and that everything has to work together in order to make society harmonious. Other theorists such as Marxists have different views on culture. I will be exploring whether the functionalist theory is what actually happens in society or if other theories, like Marxism, are more closely related.

Durkheim believed that the key features of society is orderly and harmonious. He argues that this is because of shared culture showing that he believed that everything with in society does in fact have a purpose and when together is orderly. Another ...

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