Sociology of education

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The Cereal packet family is the embodiment of the nuclear family, a happy couple sharing a bowl of cereal with their children as typically seen on a cereal packet, is the cereal packet family an accurate picture of the ‘typical’ modern family?

For different reasons both Functionalists and Marxists have been accused of adding to the assumption has a more instrumental role, while his wife stays at home and has a more expressive role.

Statistical evidence accumulated of the past 30 years begs to differ. The nuclear family has been in decline since its peak during the 70s.

In 1971 52% of children lived in a nuclear family; in 2004 38% did.

In 1971 only 8% of children lived in a lone-parent household; 27% in 2002.  

(Data extracted from Office for National Statistics, 2006a)

An historical view of the family shows dramatic changes to the structure of the family and the different roles of marital spouses that have occurred through the ages.

Young and Willmotts study on the 4 stages of the family showed the family has undergone three significant changes and how the division of labour within the family had changed. The first stage was the Pre-Industrial Family in which the husband was the head of the household and had economic control over family, and the latest stage was a  symmetrical family where conjugal roles which had been separated, (husbands had played no part in the raising of the children or domestic chores) where now joint. Segregated conjugal roles were uncommon among middle class families but were a prominent in the working class; this is where the concept of the housewife was created .Ann Oakley’s research differed from this definition; in her study she found that there was a greater equality amongst the middle classes, in terms of domestic conjugal roles. In families where segregated conjugal roles were present the husband made all the vital decisions regarding the family. e.g. where they lived the responsibilities of the wife in this relationship were solely focused on the children and domestic chores. They also spent their leisure time apart; it was not uncommon for either to know the company the other kept.

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Functionalists believe that the industrialization of Britain has led to greater social mobility and the rise of classless marriages. This has been said is the reason behind the decline in segregated conjugal roles within the relationship. In the ‘Symmetrical Family (Young and Willmott)’ joint conjugal roles within the marriage no are no longer a rarity, although the imprint of past mentalities on segregated conjugal roles still remained (e.g. the husband was still primary the breadwinner and the wife still has primary responsibilities are domesticated and child rearing) husbands became more involved in domestic chores. ‘Young and Willmott found that ...

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