The nuclear family is considered the 'ideal'. Why and for whom?

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Courtny-Sharelle Harper

"The nuclear family is considered the 'ideal'.  Why and for whom?"

In 1949, Functionalist George Murdock defined the family as “a social group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation, and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more children”.  In this description Murdock is describing a family structure called the nuclear family.  The nuclear family is the most common definition of a family, which consists of two parents and their children.  It was once considered ideal by society but is now facing a decline due to the rapid change of trends in society today.  These trends in issues such as divorce and religion are some of many linked to the decline of the nuclear family in society.  I will be taking a closer look at these issues, considering Functionalist and Marxist views, and also taking into account other family structures whilst tackling the question of why and for whom the nuclear family is ideal for.  

Functionalists believe that each part of society has a function, very much like a human body.  Using the example of a human body, functionalists believe that the nuclear family is ideal as it is at the heart of society.  This is because they view the nuclear family as a positive institution that is extremely beneficial to society by performing core functions such as reproduction, the socialisation of children and economic support by providing food and shelter for it’s members – without these essential functions functionalists believe society would be faced with many problems and would not be able to function correctly.  

In contrast to functionalism, Marxists have a less positive view of the family institution.  Marxists believe that the family serves in maintaining class differences and sees society as a conflict between the ruling class and working class where the bourgeoisie exploit the proletariat in order to keep a capitalist society that the bourgeoisie can profit from.  The nuclear family is an ideal family structure for Marxists as it maintains class by assuming children born within the proletariat stay within that class and children from rich families, the bourgeoisie; usually stay within that class also.  A further essential role the nuclear family plays within Marxism is that it allows inheritance of private property through heirs.  The nuclear family also provides a distraction for the working class from the reality of their exploitation and gives them a sense of power and authority within their own ‘castle’.  This is crucial as it avoids the proletariat from overthrowing the capitalist society through revolution.  

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Family structures are becoming more diverse in modern society, in addition to the Nuclear family I will also be looking at the reconstituted family and the single parent family.  The reconstituted family is also known as a ‘step family’, where two adults in a family have divorced and re-married new partners who may also have children.  In my opinion, this type of family has become more common due to the number of Act’s introduced to society, which make divorce easier, quicker and cheaper.  The result of making divorce more obtainable makes it acceptable to society and provides a backup plan ...

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