What do I understand about Functionalism?

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What do I understand about Functionalism?

I have researched on Functionalism and believe that Functionalist’s began with Emilie Durkheim; He died in 1917 and wasn’t a functionalist but his ideas were very crucial.

His key idea was the ‘Conscience Collective’ this was passed down through Family [parents telling you from right and wrong]then Education [values which are known in schools such as got to obey those who are older and who have authority over you] lastly working hard where you will always get rewarded. This idea was adopted by Functionalism. The ‘Conscience Collective’ also influences you in everyday situations in life. Functionalists mostly believe that values, beliefs and rules which are accepted by everyone in the society are what hold the society together.


Functionalism is the oldest, and still the dominant, theoretical perspective in sociology and many other social sciences.

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Functionalists are very positive about society and always see the good in everything. They even think that crime is good for society. They look at society on a Marco scale [this means that they look at society on a large scale]. They want to generalize their ideas to the whole of society. For example they look at what education does for society as a whole not just certain people in society.

Functionalists also believe that society is based on consensus, this means agreement, i.e. we are all socialized [brought up] to agree on how to behave [known as norms] and what is right and ...

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