Year 10-Assessment 1- Companies Explain each of the four stages in the growth of Marks and Spencer

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GCSE Business Studies

King George V School

Year 10-Assessment 1- Companies

  1. Explain each of the four stages in the growth of Marks and Spencer.

Marks started of as a sole trader, as he was a hawker. The business, which was selling small items door to door, was run by just one person, Michael Marks. He had to start of as a sole trader, as he didn’t have the capital or the experience required to enlarge his business, therefore he started with a small business and slowly started expanding. The second stage was when Michael Marks took on a partnership. He had to do this as he thought that this would help the business become more successful, as know there are two people to help run the company. So, Marks doesn’t have to manage everything in the business; and the business can now receive more capital now that there are two people involved. The third stage was that the business was turned into a private limited company as Spencer became less reliable, so they couldn’t stay as a partnership as each of them is responsible each others actions and this could cause trouble if both of them are not responsible. The fourth stage was that the business was changed from private limited company to public limited company. The decision to have the shares quoted on the Stock Exchange was decided to raise the capital so that the company can become more up-to-date and attract more costumers.

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  1. Explain two advantages that Marks would have of being part of a partnership rather than being a sole trader?

One of the advantages of being a partnership rather than a sole trader is that the owners can specialise in different jobs. So, if each of them works in their specialised areas, then it is more beneficial. So, Spencer worked mainly at the warehouse and organise administration. While Marks focused on buying goods and looking for new areas to expand their company. This way the work load can be shared and therefore, if one of them wants a holiday ...

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