Bulimia nervosas
Bulimia is derived from the Greek for ox appetite and involves binge eating and then compensatory behavior to rid the body of what it has consumed. All symptoms must be shown for classification to be made
Behavioral symptoms- recurring binge eating- excessive quantities consumed within a discrete period of time without a sense of control over what or how much is consumed. Recurring inappropriate compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain, such as self induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives, or fasting. Binge eating and compensatory behavior occur on average at least twice a week for three months.
Cognitive symptoms- self-image is overly influenced by body size and shape.
Although obesity is not listed as disorder obesity is defined as having a body weight in excess of 20% above the average for ones height.
Consequences - physically obese people are more likely to suffer from a range of weight induced illnesses, including heart attacks and diabetes. Psychologically, there are many negative affects (e.g. self esteem) as a result of societal reaction and prejudice, especially for overweight children. The community may suffer if a large amount of over weight people need NHS treatment such as heart operations as this costs so much money there is a lot less funds for other needs and this causes long weighting lists.
The factors that could affect choice of food
What we eat, how much we eat, and where we eat are linked with many of the following
Ø Rewards
Ø Punishment
Ø Celebrations
Ø Social occasions
Ø Culture and religion
Ø Public information and knowledge;
Ø Education
Ø Income.
Ø Certain activities - include watching TV, driving a car
Ø Feeling of pleasure self indulgence
Ø Being concerned with ones image, how you look
Ø Being concerned about having control over ones life, via your body
Income, lifestyle and diet
A person's income may affect what they eat as they may not be able to afford to eat every day or have a healthy diet that contains all of the dietary guidelines such as eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables the effects of this may be malnutrition, low immune system or obesity. A persons lifestyle may affect there diet as they could have a very demanding or busy job work long or anti social shifts and may not have time every day to cook themselves a meal they may be to tired or if they live alone feel there is no point cooking for one person. These types of people may suffer from a range of conditions such as low immune system, obesity, and malnutrition. People with a very busy lifestyle may eat a lot of fast foods and TV dinners there is a higher chance of food contamination and food poisoning.
Diet contains a wide variety of foods each containing a percentage of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and fats. There have been a lot of recent reports in the past 15 years released to the public giving different guidelines on diet and disease and how many portions of different foods to eat a day e.g. 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day diet affects cultural and religious groups in different ways as there strict beliefs affect what they can and cannot eat in every day life. Food can be contaminated by bacteria and can be very dangerous to the health of whoever consumes it because of this the government has set out strict legislation of food preperation.
The factors that could affect choice of food
What we eat, how much we eat, and where we eat are linked with many of the following
Ø Rewards
Ø Punishment
Ø Celebrations.
Ø Social occasions .
Ø Culture and religion
Ø Public information and knowledge
Ø Education
Ø Income
Ø Certain activities - include watching TV, driving a car!
Ø Feeling of pleasure self indulgence .
Ø Being concerned with ones image, how you look
Ø Being concerned about having control over ones life, via your body
Dietary issues and healthy eating plays a major role in sports performance. The main principles of healthy eating are; to ensure that you eat three meals a day, avoid snacking on food such as crisps or chocolate, make sure that you exercise regularly, keep your self hydrated by drinking lots of water and ensure that you include lots of vitamins and minerals in your diet. Can I affect my performance by eating or drinking before an event? A marathon runner can lose 5 to 7 pounds of body weight during a race. For every 1% loss, it is suggested that core body temperature will rise. Therefore we need to replace water. Being thirsty is a sign of dehydration. This should be avoided by hydrating before, during and after the event.
In conclusion, it is important to eat a balanced diet, both in terms of keeping fit or improving your sporting performance. It is essential that you eat the right nutrients that your body requires, even if your level of sporting performance is very casual. As well as having a balanced diet, you should also ensure that your output (e.g. exercise) is equal to what you are eating. None of these diets, such as the Atkins diet or the Pritikin diet will be beneficial to you as a sportsperson. All you need is a good balanced diet, with plenty of exercise.
A balanced diet is:
"The combination and proportions of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, roughage, water and essential minerals and vitamins which best provides for a sportspersons nutritional requirements