Stretching Materials

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Stretching Materials

Planning My Work

For this experiment I will need to investigate the factors that effect the ‘stretch’ or extension of a piece of material.

Aim: To find a relationship between the length a piece of material can stretch under a certain weight, and how a certain length effects how much it stretches.

The extension of the materials I use will rely on whether the molecules are strong enough to hold a definite shape.

In a solid there are two forces acting. There are attractive forces if molecules try to move apart and repulsive forces if molecules try to move closer. If the material is stretched then the forces are unbalanced. This is what is taking place in our experiment.

We will want to investigate the stretch of our materials and so it is important to bare in mind this information to identify the key factors that might affect the extension of the material.

From this information we can predict that the weight we apply to our material will effect its extension by adding to the downward force acting on the material. However the properties of the material we use will also vary its extension by the individual structure of the molecules in each material.

To reach our aim we will also carry out a set of experiments, again with the different materials, where the length of the material is varied. We will carry out this experiment to reach our aim of investigating a relationship between weight and length. With a set of results showing how weight varies the extension we will be able to see if the length has anything in common.                                                                                

My Experiment

For the experiment I have decided to use the materials of elastic and string to test their different properties and look for similarities and differences in the two materials.


Stand,                                Scissors,

Boss,                                10 Newton weights

Clamp,                                Metre ruler,

G-clamp,                        cellotape



Experiment One. Variable = Weight

For each of the materials we use we will carry out the same experiment.

We will set up the apparatus as shown in the diagram. Keeping the length of our material exactly the same. We will vary the amount of weight in newtons to test the properties of the material, following these steps.

  • Set up all apparatus
  • Secure a length of material 15cm long to the clamp.
  • Measure the length of the material with no weights on it
  • Attach the weight holder and the correct amount of weight.
  • Measure the extension of the material each time.
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For this experiment we will need a range of weights, in order to collect the information we need. We decided to start are range at 1N and add a Newton each time until reaching 10N. It is also important to include a measurement for 0N to show the original length of the material.

I chose the length of 15cm for our material, as it is sensible and easy to work with.

Once the experiment has been carried out, then it should be repeated with the other material.

Experiment Two. Variable = length

Again we will repeat this experiment ...

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