What factors affect the cooling of hot water in a container?

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Science coursework investigation - On what factors affect the cooling of hot water in a container?

Harpal Loyal 11A


In this investigation I am going to look into the factors, which affect the heat transfer of hot water in a container.

Heat will travel from a place that is hot to somewhere where it is cold.

There are three methods of heat transfer, Conduction, Convection, and Radiation.

In conduction heat energy is past along from molecule to molecule. Molecules move more rapidly as they get hot and collide with neighbouring molecules passing along the energy. This is only possible with solids because the heat can only be conducted through molecules next to each other.

In convection hot molecules move carrying energy with them. Therefore this only works in liquids and gases. As the fluid is heated the molecules vibrate more quickly and move further apart.

In radiation heat energy passes directly by means of waves from a hot object to the cold. Therefore it is the only kind that can pass through a vacuum.

The factors, which I could investigate, are:

* Volume of water

* Surface area

* Initial temperature

* Material of container wind factor (air movement)

* Insulation type

* Size of container

* External room temperature

* Stirring or agitation

The different insulator types could affect the temperature, depending upon the what material it is so that is why we chose to investigate the factor; insulation type, to see which materials are best at keeping the water hot and which materials allow heat transfer the most. We also think that we could obtain significant and accurate results using this factor.

I think that out of all the insulating materials given, the 5cm thick foam will prove to be the best at preventing the transfer of heat. I believe this because it is quite thick and has millions of tiny holes in it, trapping in air. Rather like the way a bird fluffs out its feathers so air can get in and keep it warm. Air is a good insulator because its molecules are widely spread out and therefore it's hard for the molecules to pass the energy onto one another. Another reason why the foam could prove to be a better insulator is because of its thickness, it can trap in much more air than a thinner material could.
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Each time the experiment is performed the insulating material will be changed, but to make it a fair test, we will keep constant:

* The beaker we used

* The volume of water we used

* The temperature of the water

* The length of the experiment

* The time we measure the each of the readings

* The same liquid we'll conduct the test with e.g. water

* The material we perform the experiment on e.g. wood.

We will use a standard glass beaker and ...

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