Both, experience and senses, are first hand knowledge, whatever you feel and understand is what you believe in, and determines your future understanding of further concerns and helps you recognize, and therefore act in consequence to the ones you already have. They are also immediate, and direct, so no one can interfere with your feelings. As it is a knowledge that is directly acquired, there is no reason for no trusting it, although you can not guarantee that what you have learnt from that experience or sensation is what is actually correct, as that is very subjective, and so is what you feel. The negative aspects are also notable. For example, senses and experiences are quite abstract, and very hard to explain to others, due to their subjectivity. Each person, depending on their background, education…have different views of these issues, and even within the people of the same culture, you are not always able to explain what you experienced or felt. For example, if a driver has a car accident, and gets ATRAPADO in the car, after having crushed and DAR VUELTAS DE CAMPANA, until someone goes to rescue him/her. This experience he/she felt, has not been felt by everyone, and it might be very hard to explain what it was like to be in the car, waiting for someone to come to rescue him/her, hear someone’s voice after a while alone in that situation and how seeing light again was such a magnificent thing, when we not even think about that. We would try to sympathize with that person and to think what he/she went through, but we could never feel or experience what the driver did. As we can see, although we might try to think the same as what someone else thinks or feels, we all will have different points of view and interpret things on different ways.
Another source of knowledge is reason. I believe that reason is important too, as it can make up someone’s mind, using critical and logical thinking, and therefore justify his/her actions. Reason is defined as the basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction. This means that whatever we decide to do will always be conditioned by our reason. Reason is also subjective, but maybe not as much as experience or senses. All of us have our own way of reasoning, but it can be determined by our background, culture or even by our maturity. Even though within these groups people may agree, and reason in the same ways, as they have been brought up by the same rules and education. Therefore, as reason has the possibility of being interpreted in many ways, I would say that it is still quite subjective, although the thinking has a more critic point of view.
I believe that reason is a trustworthy source of knowledge. First of all, reason is something that each of us develops in our minds, creating our own way of thinking based on our beliefs, background or education. We apply logic for our reasoning, as a basis, and then we develop the ideas. With this source of knowledge, we can usually end up with conclusions, which other people can learn from. Frequently, what we reason can be demonstrated to other people, as we base an idea, and expand it until it becomes an actual fact that other people can see or understand. There are also some negative aspects to reason. For example, it can lead to misunderstanding and wrong conclusions, which cannot be proved to be right, as there is no physical evidence and everything is created by reason and logic. Reason can be very trustworthy for me, but what I call trustworthy for myself, cannot be as reliable for me as for some other person, who prefers more actual facts and trust in “seeing is believing”.
Experience, senses and reason are very abstract ideas, but I think that they can be trustworthy for each of us, although not for other people. As these three depend on every individual and what environment they are set in, it can differ from one to another. I accept this, but also believe that my ideas are as acceptable as these others. From my point of view, experience, senses and reason are as trustworthy as any other source of knowledge, but I rely more easily on these three. Media, intuition, extra sensorial perception, or religion are other sources, all of them with positive and negative aspects, which make each of these peculiar and which will make up every individuals’ mind depending on their preferences and what they think the most trustworthy source if knowledge is.